Primal Emotion and Heart Chakras
The minds (or chakras) do correspond to stages of both biological and psychic development. The root chakra is the first center to be visible in a growing body. It is the tail. From our roots we have the simple animal drives and rapidly on its heals develops the enteric nervous system also known as the…
Feeling Energy with Chakras
If one wants to feel more energy and more focus, how can one do it via the chakra system? This varies from individual to individual, but start where you started to find more energy. More focus comes from broadening awareness. So start in your root. How so? Well, I will elaborate. Some ridicule or mock thinks…
Working with Chakras: Part I
The ‘Working with Chakras’ series of posts is an interview of a conversation on the chakras. What they are, and how you can work with them. We hope you find it of value in furthering your understanding of energy and personal growth. Working with Chakras: Part I starts with an overview, Part II begins to use…
Working with Chakras: Part II
The ‘Working with Chakras’ series of posts is an interview of a conversation on the chakras. What they are, and how you can work with them. We hope you find it of value in furthering your understanding of energy and personal growth. Working with Chakras: Part I starts with an overview, Part II begins to…
Working with Chakras: Part III
The ‘Working with Chakras’ series of posts is an interview of a conversation on the chakras. What they are, and how you can work with them. We hope you find it of value in furthering your understanding of energy and personal growth. Working with Chakras: Part I starts with an overview, Part II begins to…
Working with Chakras: Part IV
The ‘Working with Chakras’ series of posts is an interview of a conversation on the chakras. What they are, and how you can work with them. We hope you find it of value in furthering your understanding of energy and personal growth. Working with Chakras: Part I starts with an overview, Part II begins to…