Tag: function

  • Triggering Psychic Function

    Triggering Psychic Function

    So how to trigger the psychic ability if we choose, or knowingly avoid the triggers? Your mind is a world. Has many facets like a kaleidoscope that will show you different things with a change in focus. Most people are more focused on emotion than they would admit, and so they are caught up in…

  • Psychic Realms of Function

    Psychic Realms of Function

    A new collection of posts will discuss different realms of psychic function and how they affect personal paths. In the Hindu faith they recognize multiple paths of devotion and treat them all as legitimate. Recognizing that no one path is superior to another, and that they all contribute to a whole greater truth. In metaphysical…

  • Efficient Function

    Efficient Function

    It seems to me that it isn’t a value system issue we are lacking, it’s a sense of our personal drives and cycles. I always say you really can know everything, just not all at once. Given time, your “time” dimension can extend through any probability, and you can have had contact with any and…

  • Brains In Psionic Function

    Brains In Psionic Function

    I will now go into how the brains work for psionic function. Most people have very disorderly minds, and run up against some issues that are entirely hard wired into the brain. Then they try to “force of will” their way past it and just create an even bigger mess. This is perhaps why most…

  • Secret To Effective Psionic Function

    Secret To Effective Psionic Function

    There is a way we can get out of our brains way, and let it actually obey the mind. Ready? The feeling mind always has feelings about what you “imagine” to be reality. It’s not capable of judging anything, so if you imagine that your body is sickly and vulnerable to infection, the monkey mind…

  • Integrative Function

    Integrative Function

    Today we are talking about what is commonly called the third eye. Though the ajna chakra itself includes the entire frontal lobe and is the seat of consciousness as we know it normally, the fundamental understanding to be had about the third eye is this. Thought is not self awareness. It’s not consciousness. It’s a…

  • Rules are your Function

    Rules are your Function

    I’ve been struggling with getting my head around this lately. That what has been the foundation of my life, the ‘rules’, can just be shifted by me. It’s actually a bit distressing. The only rules are your function, but you don’t have carte blanche to function in any random way. Does reality show any evidence of…

  • Function from Sensations

    Function from Sensations

    From my experience, my senses work together to inform me about what is good for me. My sense of taste tells me what my body wants to eat. My sense of pain tells me when my body is dangerously stressed. My sense of fatigue tells me when my reserves have been spent, and so on…

  • First Rule We Function With

    First Rule We Function With

    You aren’t conscious of your perceptual habits, and are only semi-conscious of your habits of attention. You are fully conscious of your habits of judgement, your mental faculties, your grasp of language, your deliberately learned skills, your memory of social exchanges, things like that. Is instinct a combination of perception and attention? That’s exactly what…