Tag: intelligence

  • Dream Projection

    Dream Projection

    What do you see when you dream at night? Not the days events in a factual way, but your projections onto life. Dream is caused from intelligence not being able to sleep. Intelligence isn’t able to sleep because it doesn’t need to and intelligence projects. Your projections dictate your actions which dictate your future, and…

  • High Intelligence Beings

    High Intelligence Beings

    I will go into a related phenomenon, non human haunting. First off, they aren’t haunting. There are states of being that parallel incarnation without assuming a material state, but I’m going into non-human haunting because the average person does relate them. Some are merely psychic parasites looking for whatever energy they can grub onto. Some…

  • Archetypal Intelligence

    Archetypal Intelligence

    As for archetypal intelligence, archetypes have behaviour. They do have their own intelligence. This is why questions like, “What would Jesus do?” make any sense. Whether we have made the conscious decision to allow it or not, many archetypes have both taught us, as they manifested in the behaviour of our parents and authority figures,…

  • Fluid Intelligence

    Fluid Intelligence

    So, there is another theory that is also gaining ground, and my own experience supports as well. It’s backed up by FMRI research also, that motor function and perception are intimately linked to the point that what we consider to be conscious thought is really rather peripheral. You mean, peripheral in a hardware sense? Peripheral…

  • Intelligence of Your Body

    Intelligence of Your Body

    Let’s then look at what this means about our autobiographical memory, our memory of our life as we believe it happened to us. Your reaction to anything that happened to you is an assembly of physiological reactions, mirrored social reactions from other people involved in that time and place, your own memory or similar events,…

  • Cooperative Intelligence

    Cooperative Intelligence

    Let’s rewind a bit. The physical basis of cell formation, the simple chemical forces that cause DNA to form, this is an innate aspect of matter to the point where we can now produce synthetic parallels to human DNA. XNA they call it. It isn’t human DNA, and it isn’t necessarily compatible with human DNA,…

  • Two Philosophies of Artificial Intelligence

    Two Philosophies of Artificial Intelligence

    In order to make artificial anything, there must first have been a natural something that we are imitating. In most schools of thought regarding artificial intelligence, intelligence is either just an incidental byproduct of organic complexity, an empty mechanical process, or intelligence is an emergent quality in sufficiently complex physical systems. These are the two…

  • Tap Into a Domain of Intelligence

    Tap Into a Domain of Intelligence

    Ray Kurzweil is projecting that in a matter of decades, we will have something the size of a laptop that dwarfs human intelligence thousands of times over. What do you think of that notion? I’m already scared of it. You needn’t be, though not for the reasons Kurzweil suggests in my view. I say don’t…

  • You Are the Intelligence

    You Are the Intelligence

    Now shall I bend your mind even further? The intelligence behind the intelligence of your body and brain is you, and you are just as frustrated as the other computer geeks here. You do log off for a while, put the body in sleep mode, which doesn’t shut it down, and you are the intelligence…

  • Connecting to the Living Intelligence

    Connecting to the Living Intelligence

    If I procrastinate on tackling a problem and it just resolves itself, I feel guilty. You are Apollo. Apollo had his shortcomings as well as his strengths. One shortcoming was exploited by Hermes. He had his chariot stolen right out from under him. Though I’d have trouble getting up early in the morning to drag that…

  • Property of Intelligence

    Property of Intelligence

    Intelligence. Everyone familiar with the Quantum Zeno effect? Nothing can move from one place to another? They have proven this in the lab, and well, that is sort of the same thing. An atom continuously observed remains stable. It will not change state. Energy by itself, as just a collection of erratic fields, will not…

  • Accessing Fluid Intelligence

    Accessing Fluid Intelligence

    Do you know how you think? Can you describe to me how a thought happens? I don’t think I can describe it, no. I know I can’t or at least can’t verbalize it. I see something and make an association. It usually just seems to ‘pop’ up. I go through levels of “re-activeness.” Most of…