Tag: realm

  • Astral Realm

    Astral Realm

    The earth itself has an astral component. A realm of existence that would correspond to its very own astral body. In Shamanism, this is often referred to as the spirit world and even the departed don’t usually leave this psychosphere of the planet. This is in part why mediums aren’t actually very challenged in reaching…

  • Ripples In The Shadow Realm

    Ripples In The Shadow Realm

    The realm of shadow is the realm of the subconscious. In fact, your subconscious itself is an artefact from your pre-incarnated existence. It arises as an impetus in the collective unconscious that leads two people to pair up. Each circumstance being in essence different, if not in practice, and this potential energy remains with you…

  • Places Into The Unseen Realm

    Places Into The Unseen Realm

    Now we get to actual places. This is the reason for the physics lesson earlier. I can’t actually draw you a map of all the places that have the right qualities to boost or shift your attention into the unseen realm. Not one that my time, resources or equipment can produce, unfortunately. These places offer…

  • Realm of Wisdom

    Realm of Wisdom

    I won’t go into the whole map for pathworking. We are following what they call in Kabbalah the middle pillar. The super highway of that realm. It has width as well as depth. At the next level past the realm of intuition, we reach the hall of wisdom. It’s a realm of memory, also called…

  • Intervention in the Ghostly Realm

    Intervention in the Ghostly Realm

    From time to time there is intervention in the ghostly realm. Who intervenes? Are there natives there directing the tourists? Yes. There are guides on this level, baby sitters if you will, and even what might be called well-adjusted citizens. Are the jinn there? They exist in a state just between that one and material…

  • DNA of the Spiritual Realm

    DNA of the Spiritual Realm

    In occult lore, characters, alphabets, were the “DNA” of the spiritual realm, revealed rather than invented. There is some loose evidence to support this even in modern science as they continue to study the process of cognition and more specifically “language” in the brain. You can be primed to notice elements of your environment by…