Tag: thinking

  • Divination & Positive Thinking

    Divination & Positive Thinking

    Divination is not foolishness. It’s just encoded intuitions about life. You get from divination the wisdom you bring to it. It is not a pointless exercise because the gnosis is there. When the student is ready the master appears. When you have the ears to hear and the eyes to see then divination works. When…

  • Money is Thinking

    Money is Thinking

    Let’s discuss a popular social idea. Money. Money is thinking. Ideas related to having and entitlement. The intuition behind money is having. So feel in your gut a sense of having. Perhaps if you need an object of the “having” use your computer as the thing you own. When you feel you have something. What…

  • Thinking vs Knowing

    Thinking vs Knowing

    All things we know. I use the word “know” in contrast to the word “think“. They have their origin outside of the reel of our consciousness we recognize as rational thought. How often in all of this rational thought do we ask another, “What do you want?” And they respond “I don’t know”? Or “How…

  • Choice Beyond Thinking

    Choice Beyond Thinking

    Choice seems so readily obvious. People claim to make choices, and then complain about the consequences of those choices. We make choices every day if only minor ones, but do people really choose? Do they take the action that choice supposedly is? In my experience people tend to choose by habit not by thought, so…

  • What were you thinking?

    What were you thinking?

    When your imagination and your thought are in conflict, your imagination will inevitably win. You will choose behavior based on what you imagine is real, and you represent every event or situation to yourself by the same process that we call imagination. The child who’s afraid of the monster in the closet is genuinely afraid.…

  • Thinking Anger

    Thinking Anger

    Beware. Anger seems to be an inflammatory topic. We all deal with anger frequently if not daily, and we have a lot of ways of dealing with it. We are actually told more about anger than we are about love. Yet of what use is it? If the common wisdom and understanding of angry is…

  • Warped Thinking

    Warped Thinking

    Redress isn’t revenge, and this brings us to the second brain that differentiates between the sources of things. It prevents us from trying to mate with a fence post or eat rocks. At least for most. Some people are remarkably deranged, but the early mammal brain told us that not only do I need to…

  • Self Thinking

    Self Thinking

    Ego is the subject, and ego is in a way all subjects and all subjectivity. We are drilled pretty heavily in the ideas and activities of ego, and in a lot of things we are supposed to do about selves. What would we do without all this self thinking? Without all this self thinking we…

  • Take Back Thinking

    Take Back Thinking

    I make the point of being present in my life, experiencing consciously. This is a good attitude to sustain. It’s also potentially challenging as the mind is very busy and quite good at attention getting. This is its function, but does that mean we have to have even that conflict? The thinking mind has no intention.…

  • Habitual Thinking

    Habitual Thinking

    Laws of Attraction is a new pseudo-religion, or so it would seem. Just have your mind be sun-shiny enough and your life will be delirious bliss. Anyone have any luck with that? No. The “positive” people I know are in bouts of depression half the time. Because they try to change surfaces and keep the…

  • Human Thinking

    Human Thinking

    Human linear binary thinking does well if it can manage even a ternary deviation, let alone anything beyond. We can barely get the third option, but can. Though there seems to be a lot of need for assistance there in general. Ultimately everything is information. Right now humans would need a technological boost, and well,…

  • The World As Human Thinking

    The World As Human Thinking

    There is always a “How”. I am often very angry as I find exchanges with people very frustrating more often than not, but there is always a way for clarity to be reached. Which is what I want. I don’t actually want to lash out at anyone physically. I just want to get through their…

  • Between Thinking And Being

    Between Thinking And Being

    Is there a discordance between “sense” and situation? There is, yes. Situation is an opinion, a rigid pattern, a shell. Sense is music. Consider a loved one. If you try to understand them, what do you understand? What I can sense from them? Can you sense and try to understand? You understand what you perceive?…

  • Thinking Is An Art

    Thinking Is An Art

    First know yourself, then find like minds. They need education too. But you don’t need to be educated, and you don’t need to educate others. You can take ownership of your thought just by deciding to. It is not so much about what you know, but who you know for getting work in a field…

  • Linear Thinking

    Linear Thinking

    Today, we are talking about the third option. First, I will start by asking, what does that phrase “the third option” mean to you? Thinking outside the box? An alternative outside the conventional. There are some basic facts of human nature we all contend with. First perhaps being that we all engage primarily in linear…

  • Wide and Plastic Thinking

    Wide and Plastic Thinking

    We only can see a certain segment of reality. I do not think even our most sophisticated equipment allows us to see all of reality. We are still kids playing with rocks and sticks. Reality itself allows us to see all of reality. It’s self-encoding, and not in the least encrypted, but while we insist…

  • Dream Shapes Your Thinking

    Dream Shapes Your Thinking

    Now we get to thinking. The end of the line in the couriers route from the world to our waking minds. You think that everything you have been taught, everything that has ever been said or done to you, has to be kept in mind at all costs. We must not ever forget the hurts…

  • Well Guided Thinking

    Well Guided Thinking

    There is an example of a culture that evolved for quite some time without automatically trying to kill or deny the presence of the mystery among its people. This culture was in the east, though smaller examples also remained among the smaller more isolated nations. Taoism, a very proverbially mysterious belief system, actually contributed a…