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7 Signs of Clairaudience: Is Your Psychic Gift Showing?


There are many different ways to connect with the spirit world around us and it is important to understand that the way gifts manifest for one person may not be the way they manifest for someone else. While there are many psychic gifts that get a lot of attention, one often overlooked one is clairaudience. Just what is a clairaudient? A clairaudient is an individual who connects through hearing & audible means as opposed to sight, feeling, or a traditional “sixth sense.”

There are multiple signs that you are clairaudient, and while not every clairaudient will share each of these traits, there are definitely some common threads that seem to pop up.

Read on to learn 7 of the major signs that you might be a clairaudient.

#1: You Hear Your Name Spoken When Nobody Is Around

This is a very common one. Sometimes dismissed as “auditory hallucinations,” these voices often come in soft whispers when alone or can even come as a solid in-house voice that sounds like it comes from right over your shoulder, even when no one is there. This is a very good sign that you might be showing some clairaudient gifts.

#2: You’re A Creative Person

Clairaudients tend to overwhelmingly be creative people. This could be from practice of listening for an artistic muse, imagining stories, songs, music, or pictures that haven’t been created yet. There’s a lot of overlap between creativity and these gifts.

#3: You Talk To Yourself (Even In Your Head)

Do you ever find yourself not only talking out loud, but talking to yourself like you’re working out thoughts aloud? If you talk to yourself in this way quite often and tend to hear actual voices in your head taking on different “parts” of your point of view, then there’s a good chance you could be clairaudient.

Many clairaudients have one of these traits or the other and in some cases even both!

#4: You Have (Had) Imaginary Friends

This is a very common trait among clairaudient individuals. This makes a lot of sense as children are often the most open to what is going on in the world but also don’t have the full range of tools to understand everything they see, hear, or sense.

If you had imaginary friends as a child or had one far longer than most kids, there’s a decent chance that was your way of making sense of the clairaudience that came naturally to you but wasn’t shared by others around you, often including family members.

This isn’t always the case, but it is a good sign!

#5: You Hear Other Sounds Quite Often

These sounds can come in many forms. Many clairaudient people are aware of spirits because they hear running footsteps, creaking, banging, or knocking. Sometimes consistently and sometimes not as much, but these sounds can often be heard by them even when others can’t hear it.

Other types of sounds include high pitched ringing even when you don’t use headphones, listen to loud music, or do other activities that could damage your ears. For some this buzzing, popping, or ringing can indicate the presence of some psychic energy, especially if doctor’s visits show absolutely no loss of hearing.

#6: You Love Learning Through Audio

If you tend to learn better through lectures, through hearing a TV, or from listening to podcasts then there’s a very good chance that this audio preference means you’re predisposed to experiencing your psychic abilities through clairaudience.

#7: You Often Give Great Advice That Seems “Inspired” Instead Of Coming From Careful Thought

This is one of the largest signs of being a clairaudient and shows a willingness to channel the whispers of the energy world, spirit guides, and even guardian angels to give inspired advice.

In Conclusion

There are many signs of clairaudience, and there are many people who may have one or two of these signs but not the natural attunement and tolerance to fully dive into this gift. Some come by it naturally while others work to open up their spiritual selves. This is a skill that can be nurtured and honed, and for some people, embracing their inherent gifts will prove an incredible transformation.

Alissa Monroe
Guest Blogger
Dragon Intuitive

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