So yes, you are surrounded by music. You have been living in this non-stop rhythm of sensory stimuli all your life. This leads to a form of what they call sensory satiation. The process of evolution or formation that an impression or experience goes through has ceased to have much meaning. Repeat the word ‘taco’ 1000 times in a row. Thinking of tacos or desiring tacos after will be pretty much impossible.
I ponder “de-sensitization.” It’s not desensitization. It’s more pervasive than that. The sensory feedback doesn’t go away or stop, instead it enfolds, becomes hard wired in the brain to the point you cease being able to access or question it at all. But you will become very distressed, even panicked should it happen to change its general character very much, or even worse yet, cease.
An unconscious phenomenon. Reality is an unconscious phenomenon, but, here is where we get to language, incantations, mantras and chants. Reality may be an unconscious phenomenon, but language isn’t, and unless something extreme happens it never ceases to be available. So much so that there is no single localization of brain damage that can wipe out language in the brain. You may be able to wipe out speech expression, or impair organization of words say, but language itself is distributed across the entire brain.
One of my friends had a brain tumor and at the end was unresponsive and unable to talk but when someone said something funny, she would look up and laugh. Laughter was an excellent blessing for her to retain.
Much nonsense has been put aside as of late about language as well as other parts of the brains function. As they have examined brain function under functional magnetic resonance imaging, they have discovered that musical structure rather than being a side effect of normal brain function, an amusing but sideline experience, compliments and reinforces cognition. To the point now that they are working on presenting data in a rhythmic structure educationally to promote not only retention but comprehension. This is why breaking long abstract lines of data down into rhythms makes it easier to remember, like phone numbers, otherwise it’s just meaningless nonsense.
They are also discovering that some connection to language is much more wide spread across species than they formerly thought. There is an elephant that has been confirmed to be able to mimic a considerable number of Korean phrases. I wager that these animals do understand more language than they are credited for, like they now acknowledge some species of parrot are capable of.
So, it comes down to patterns and relationships? It does.
This is why olde poetry (i.e. its rhythmics) were used to retain information. Oral tradition cultures use rhythms to this purpose. And they poo poo’d our ability to remember. Indeed. This was why cultures like the Nords and Celts were so avid about preserving the lore of their bards and skalds.
Some parrots can converse and there was a monkey who could sign, and my dogs understand a lot. We still seem to think we invented language. I will offer that we did not invent language, only adapted it, and the reason it takes diverse forms is not because of environmental principles, but instead the listeners.
The rhythmics of both sound and movement are essential. We (Native Hawaiians) found rhythmics that worked for our needs. Ancient chants here are still remembered. I have a book of sounds, breath and intonations, syllables, singles.
It has been established that things like bird and whale song do register as music to the human brain, if not as clearly as human music does, and we learned to mimic other animals very early on, bird calls, animal cries, even environmental sounds.
Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.
Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive
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