Sick Will
I do think thinking should guide the emotions and not rule it. Thinking should inform the other. Does it not seem like people in general are weak willed? Yes. What the actual cause of that is, is not weak will. They have sick will. Their inner mind sickens from a primary diet of regurgitated ideas, so…
Body and Emotions First
Shall we do another situation? Let’s discuss will. People use will like they use thinking, and it is really the thing that makes thinking seem to work, sometimes. Do any of your decisions based on your thinking not require you to exert force of will? Yes, true. An insistence to get something done. Can you…
Basis for Discernment
How would we best determine what any of our experiences mean? This is what discernment is. What value or meaning, what weight or substance does an experience have. I don’t expect to have a light switch turned on. Sooner or later something will pop up and I get the ah ha moment. The weight comes…
Function from Sensations
From my experience, my senses work together to inform me about what is good for me. My sense of taste tells me what my body wants to eat. My sense of pain tells me when my body is dangerously stressed. My sense of fatigue tells me when my reserves have been spent, and so on…
Support for Survival
Does our thinking tend to support and enhance our emotional awareness? No. We usually try to talk ourselves out of an emotional state, pretend it’s not there. This doesn’t work though and we get more stressed. I think it can if we know how to focus correctly, like breathing deeply. “It’s just your emotions” is…
Legacy of Emotion
It’s always been my experience that the world makes no effort to deceive humanity, but instead that we, through our culture and education and personal prejudice, wind up deceiving ourselves. It’s not entirely a voluntary process. All those regions of the human brain function on their own whether we want them to or not, and…
No Fixed Form
Is anything “new” under the sun? Well, in that things can become radically different, then the answer is yes. New as in stand out in the flow of time/probability, then no. The multiverse is so full of diversity that if we could see it all the wonders would just blur together. They are all masks…
No Extinction of Consciousness
There is another phenomenon in physics that relates here. When you broadcast a light beam out to an object, there is a wave that returns on the same path as the original traveled. This creates what would be seen by us as noise, but all it is is memory. Any given object has more states…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…