Warlock Magick
What kind of magic do warlocks prefer, or does it vary? They prefer what could be considered a variation of shamanism. They develop new fetishes rather than keeping the tribal relics, picking up items from their visions rather than from the code of symbolism kept by their people, and gravitating in what might seem an…
Modern Warlock
Warlocks have existed in every culture and, at different times, had some means of support from the cultures they lived on the fringes of. In fact, the stories of the supposed witches Sabbath as related by the catholic church, about the supposed evidence of their contact with Satan, was always just a mysterious man in…
Marked by the Wild Ones
The warlock is a person touched by the spirits, marked by the wild ones. It was often thought that they had some part of their heart eaten by one of the spirits of the night, and thus their conduct and even their singing changed. They were not originally seen as evil people, but they were…
Caller of Spirits
Today, we are talking about warlocks. I am using the word warlock because any concept needs a name, and this one has been used for this purpose even if people debate its general origin or full meaning. In the history of human mystical, spiritual, or magickal traditions (it can be hard to draw any substantial…
Examination of the Material World
The topic of Metascience is not meant to be an anti-science rant. I personally am not against the study or practice of science. When science was still a branch of philosophy, it was undertaken to give humanity more insight into the world, more ability to understand and thus adapt to how nature works. There is…
Missing from the Scientific Community
Most scientists couldn’t lay genuine claim to any measure of the wisdom one might associate with the ancient wizards. Like the ancient priest divining the will of their deity from the guts of a ritual sacrifice, they tear apart the flesh of the living world and claim they can divine “reality” from it. What reality…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…