Aware You’re Awake
Book of Nature. This is going to be a bit more ambitious a topic than I usually attempt. We tend to take our perception of the world and the people in it for granted. We are pretty confident that we see what we see and hear what we hear, and we don’t really bother to…
Threads of Tension
Harmony with mildew comes from understanding the way of tension with mildew. Why do you want to kill it? Why do other people kill it? These tensions in the mind have led to all manner of inventions, including finding a way to live in peace with an organism we were previously at odds with. Canines…
Cycle of Harmony
Now the harmony, shall we? Reality as we know it is the interplay of a collection of forces. We explored war and peace, life and death. Each of these forces sets up a relationship with all other energies. They follow an order that can be called a harmony, but the cycle of harmony is not…
Life and Death Interact
So shall I do life and death? First, life. Life is a force in the world, and often acts in ways we find really rather vexing. Life is the mildew in your bathroom, the spider in your shoe, and the stomach infection you got from that bad burrito. It’s all life. Life by itself behaves…
Peace and War
I would like to invite someone to pick two seemingly opposed forces, and I will illustrate how they interact with each other in the world. War and peace? Ok, war. There has always been a force of conflict in the world; heat and cold, gravity and energy. Whatever you can consider, it has something that…
Harmonious Flow
Under most circumstances in the busy mall, people will maintain a basic sympathy with the balance of energy around them, but when someone doesn’t, they stand out like a sore thumb, as they say. Everyone falls into a shopping mall trance until the person, pushed to the edge by events that likely occurred before they…
Unity of Behaviour
Today’s topic is harmony. Everywhere you might think of, and more specifically anywhere you might go in your daily life, there is a constant broadcast of energy. The most obvious energy broadcasts in your environment would perhaps be sound, maybe after that sight. People speak, yell, scream and cry as whatever condition might lead them…
Families of Experience
Are you a warlock? As for the question about myself, recent research is showing a link between autism, which I have been diagnosed with, and schizophrenia. They appear to be opposite sides of a related process in the mind. The commonly understood schizophrenic has a very outward oriented behaviour pattern. They read heavily into social…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…