Touched with Fear
To risk talking about myself, yet again. People have often marvelled at my tolerance of pain. Despite the neurological abnormalities, I have another reason why I tolerate physical pain so well. Pain confronted directly, experienced vividly, without recourse to emotion or other filters, is just sensation. My own condition presents every sensory stimuli with an intensity and…
Learn the Lessons of Confronting Death
The purpose, and the surviving power of the death defiance practice and its respective rituals, comes from an unspoken understanding. A modern example would perhaps be the psychedelic counter culture. Neuroscience is making some really meaningful discoveries, and extreme physical experience can trigger in us the same sort of responses that psychedelic trips can, with…
Ideas of Death
Being excommunicated from life, never being able to settle, isolated and alone = death? Yes. Death in time did come to be seen as some form of exile. This gave rise to the original concept of lost souls or ghosts, and it’s at this stage that we have things like the Norse model of hell…
Everyone’s Companion
Death defiance. It’s one of the more radical dynamics in mystical as well as magickal practice. Much of our awareness of life is touched by our awareness of our own mortality, and no matter what we are doing or how we live, we all have some sense of where we stand with death. Death is…
Nature Responds to You
This book of nature is kind of like a DIY manual? It is indeed. More stuff for men to think they know everything about and not read instructions for. Indeed. That is what humans have been doing so far, but fortunately things shift anyway. The human will, as irritating as it is, is not as…
Every Event is Cooperative
The elements themselves speak. Besides recording the energy impressed on them by passing events, the energies they embody and express, impress themselves on the “living” things around you. Light shaped the eye, eyes don’t shape light. Sound shaped the ear, your ear is the mouth of the sky. The elements run all around you and…
It’s All Music
If you just listen to sounds in the environment, you won’t be able to make sense of the information being exchanged around you. Again human thinking gets in the way. You think everything you hear is “just sound”, but every sound you hear from every other organism is structured in the same way any sound…
Before Speech
How do you know you are about to speak? A sense of an internal anticipation. A force of sorts. You formulate an idea or communication and decide to verbalize it, all in a split second. Usually the words are mental first. Your intention to speak starts before you begin to anticipate expressing any of your…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…