Birthing Cry of the Singularity
Everyone familiar with the concept of the singularity? After a point, our grasp of science and technology will advance far enough that it in a sense outstrips our ability to understand it. A sufficiently advanced technology will seem like magick, but I am not entirely in agreement with the conventional model of the singularity. Science…
Neo-platonic Forms
Shall we discuss the neo-platonic aspect of today’s class? Platonic forms are what we have historically observed. What has formed the memory traces in the collective unconscious and in the species memory of any species even in the planets mineral memory. Minerals are the basis of biological evolution. Any new bacterial strain, any virus, and…
Informing Things
How many powers does your mind have? What do you think? Including potential? Infinite? I offer that it has only one. It holds. It freezes. It doesn’t record. It isolates, suspends. All are the same process. Now the universe itself is dynamic. By definition all energy in it is in a constant state of exchanging potential.…
Wooden Coffee Table
Example, let’s take a wooden coffee table. There exists in our world the potential for wooden coffee tables. The laws of physics shape how it would be mechanically engineered. The laws of biology shape the exact material properties of the wood, and the laws of human cognition shape the place the coffee table has in…
Property of Intelligence
Intelligence. Everyone familiar with the Quantum Zeno effect? Nothing can move from one place to another? They have proven this in the lab, and well, that is sort of the same thing. An atom continuously observed remains stable. It will not change state. Energy by itself, as just a collection of erratic fields, will not…
Platonic Forms
Everyone familiar with platonic forms? Yes, “ideal” forms… Well, the term “ideal” tends to be a bit of a stumbling block. Plato distinguished between form and manifestation. A platonic form is more akin to Sheldrake’s morphic fields than some idolized material object. By way of further explanation, you take the form of a human being…
Painting the Self-image
Painting the self image is discovering the spirit. Throughout your life your experiences have had a common theme. You likely ignored it because it just didn’t seem to make sense, and then ignored it because it began to make you feel uncomfortable, even threatened. The theme is actually the mirror image of your self image.…
Move Your Heart
So how to change that. Do you feel your relationship to the scorpions? What does it feel like for them to be with you? I get different feelings from them. Do tell? I think they are just looking for food and probably scared of me. Thinking, accurate thinking, but not the same as feeling. But…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…