Using Divination
There is a movie called, “Knowing“. In it, Nicolas Cage finds a sheet of paper with seemingly meaningless numbers. It was in a time capsule buried 50 years ago. He discovers that these numbers are in a pattern and it’s a pattern of dates, all of them world disasters. It isn’t far fetched as everything…
Divination Method
Does handwriting analysis fit as a divination method? It can. It is a form of geomancy like feng shui. The seemingly poor handwriting arose from energies that are playing out in that persons life, making them make loops bigger, or lines choppy, distorting specific words when others aren’t. Often times it reveals subconscious inclinations and,…
The Question
When you ask a question (and all oracles have this step) you are already connecting you as a program in the hologram to the oracle. Part of why people often get weird or meaningless divinations is they expect the program of the oracle to tell them the answer. That isn’t how it works. The oracle…
To Divine
Divination is perhaps the most simple metaphysical practice possible, and so people naturally tend to get into a lot of trouble with it. For every culture (I mean literally every culture), there have been one or more oracles. Oracle is any system or technique practiced to divine, or the one practicing the divining. My true…
Way Out
In truth, there is no such thing as ‘no way out’. In Taoism they compare any situation to a storm. The storm is far more powerful than any human being. If it can’t persist then how can any block be permanent? Seas weren’t permanent, we call them deserts now. But if we accept a block…
Live Your Moments
There’s this space you can get into where things go at super speed and you’re really there. It is similar to trance, full immersion, and it isn’t necessarily detached. In the martial arts they teach a sort of awareness of the moment, where you are totally immersed in the encounter. This is how you effectively…
Conquer Worry
What if we seek comfort from food or substance as a way of dealing with worry, even though we know we shouldn’t? That is a mixed worry response. Your instincts are still in a sense good, but we sit and brood. If you are busy in self expression or engagement with life, make that your…
Defeat in Worry
Worry is a very common mental habit, but it doesn’t add one bit to our effectiveness in dealing with things. We are encouraged to worry by social reinforcement. It’s supposedly how we show interest and investment in things, that we really care and are concerned, but generally it warps our presence in any situation. Can…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…