Power of the Word
The subject is the power of the word. It isn’t the word of any doctrine or belief, but that factor of belief is a part of it. It is the creative power of speech, of articulating thought in words. Many traditions use chant in one form or another, but modern cultures seem to have lost…
Spiritual Q&A
Here are a few questions that I have received in some of my talks. Maybe you’ve wondered as well. If our ancestors and family who have passed over are supposed to be watching over us, what exactly are they doing? They engage in spiritual affairs and are concerned with your spiritual state. But they can’t…
the gods
The energy of the universe is marvellous, but Shivas dance is divisionary. Kali is the uniter. She dances too. The great mother is compassionate whether people like it or not. Perhaps the ultimate “kindly one” and like Isis she is the source of rebirth. Where our lord Shiva treads upon demons and is their king.…
Idea of Perfection
Many people in life strive for perfection which can be any loosely defined notion. The very word itself is heavily loaded. Some believe that personal perfection is impossible to attain. They see it as an impossible state, but can perfection be considered any fixed form? If so then why does the universe itself seemed to…
Consciousness is the Order
The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake would seem to be gratifying, but the presence of the implicate order in any field of knowledge is readily evident. All existence is limited or else it would be present solely as a potentiality spread throughout the implicate order. Gnosis and knowledge are inextricable. Even science requires…
Lately I am dealing with a severe case of ennui. Existential boredom. How can that be? So much knowledge to learn? The disciplines of the mind reduce to exercising human perception. This is starkly limited and easily exhausted. From basic human premises of philosophy and science you can extrapolate any argument that has ever arisen…
Physics and Spirituality
The origin of the theory of physical separation as an entity is an excellent topic. Quantum non locality and it’s meaning in spirituality. Thinking may not tell you exactly what it is, but thinking heavily suggests that it ‘IS’. Not understanding has nothing to do with whether it exists or not. In fact, the raw…
Origin of Spirit
The converse of the order we know isn’t necessarily chaos. So why do we perceive spirit to run counter of, or independently of matter? Isn’t chaos just the absence of order? Chaos is the presence of potential, yet not actualized energy. If there is a fire and “chaos” breaks out, people will run. However there is…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…