Sense of Intensity
An interesting side note regarding emotions… Emotional pain and physical pain use the same systems in the brain, but there is a universal behaviour regarding the two. Emotional pain always registers as more intense than physical pain, even to the point of physical pain being dismissed if both are being experienced simultaneously. Physical pain can…
Senses Organized Around Space
So yes, all of our senses organize around our sense of space. Our brains map things metaphorically speaking. Even in my case, as autistics are known for exceptional visual skills, those come in two flavours. A sort of modelling, and a tracking of spatial relationships, order and organization. Can you guess which is mine? Spatial…
Language Guides Thought
English speaking cultures notoriously have a spotty sense of direction. How clear would you say the rules of structure are in English language? Very ambiguous. The difference between normal English and the Queens’ English for instance. And there is no difference between how you structure the order of your words and how you structure your…
Naturalistic Comprehension
We don’t have to be taught to understand everything we experience. In fact, they have confirmed that some key values are held and displayed even before an infant reaches verbal ability, like cooperation being good and hurtful interference being bad. They don’t have to be taught these things. In my own case, I quickly took…
How Was Your Emotional Transition?
Anyone else want to share an example? Does this model not relate to your own experience? And if not, in what way does it fall short? For me dream = model. It’s why you dream anyway. It is virtually identical to mine. Can I take a stab at how yours differed? Except that I was…
My Emotional Transition
Ever hear of imposter syndrome? The person trains themselves so well in keeping up with expectations that no one in their social group can find any fault, but they themselves even come to the point of having anxiety attacks because they feel they are faking it. That they are lying to everyone. What makes us…
Need to Feed
The infant metaphor… We come to understand our bodies through our sense, and the first sense we come to trust is our sense of motion. We stop feeling like we are falling down a bottomless pit when we begin to recognize patterns in pressure. That there are things that remain consistently in place when we…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…