Perceptual Issues
Schizophrenia is not multiple personality disorder. It’s a perceptual issue. It’s why they used to (and to some small degree still do) view autism as a form of schizophrenia. In the case of schizophrenia, a person’s perceptual process is too open. Their ability to determine salience is compromised. You learn things reflexively. Your neural pathways…
Domain of Rational, Reasonable Behaviour
How about the opposite end of the brain, cerebral cortex? (rational, etc.) Ah, this is a very important part. We can never accept as rational that which makes us feel fear. Without exception, fearful behaviour for fearful circumstances are typically described as being insane. Where perception comes in… Let’s say I have a very acute…
Perceptual Profiles
You can always trust a person to do what is true to their nature. For example, you can trust a scorpion to try to sting you. Yes. It’s true of humans also. Have you ever noticed that hyper-sexualized people also tend to be maybe a bit hyper-kinetic? Yes, the two things go hand in hand.…
Language of Perception
Today, we are talking about the language of perception. Our language itself arose from the behaviour of our perceptual faculties. We even created a form of sign, when we began to really understand the deaf, that would allow them to approximate our own communicative range. But as much as perception encompasses our grasp of language,…
Work with Being
What about a woman who wants kids but later in her life, after she is satisfied with her relationship, job etc. Then at that time she should pursue child rearing. But her body is limiting her till the age 35. What does she need to do? Listen to her body? She should listen to her body…
Left and Right of Us
Shall I explore what’s to the right of us, or the left? Left. This is like choose-your-own-adventure. To the left we have life according to you. We have the epic story of a person who has tried many things to find happiness, to find meaning. Has engaged in every manner of treasure seeking, and has…
Beneath Us
Shall we do what’s beneath us, above us, to the left of us, or to the right? Beneath. Beneath us. Time, progress, age, fate. From beneath you it devours. The answer being dust in the wind. This tends to discourage people, but that’s blaming the tools really. Everything beneath us is seen as a means to an…
In Front of Us
Vision, sight, is in front of us, but we do not see fully. The region of the brain literally responsible for engaging and fully processing the senses is physically in the back of our heads. You supposedly see with the front of your brain which has only one neurological function really. It inhibits the other…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…