Category: Natural Computation

Your genetics, and your brain, that arises from your genetics, evolved to be able to anticipate events in your environment. That’s its only real purpose. We build our predictive programs with what’s left after our post developmental memory has processed our body awareness, has built a self-image, built our first perceptual and cognitive filter. Thus what you have is a simplified or dumbed down version of the core consciousness.

First and foremost your deepest self is talking to the world, and that’s what the world talks back to, not your “reasoning” mind.

“If we extract the rules of how these neural networks are doing computations like pattern recognition we can apply that to create novel computing systems,” Thomas DeMarse

  • Handling Sensory Data

    Handling Sensory Data

    Neuro- science is discovering much about how the brain handles sensory data and which sensory “modules” interface with others. They have identified some non-sensory functions from being able to study data relating to brain injury, and by performing experimental surgery on creatures whose brains are roughly analogous to our own. There are some things that…

  • Agency Bias

    Agency Bias

    So shall we get into the metaphysics? Every day our senses are bombarded with stimuli. Since the first day we were possessed of all of our senses, they have been recording patterns of energy. These patterns, as is entirely natural, are cyclical. Through repetition, an initial impression of a sight or sound becomes solidified and…

  • Avatar Analytics

    Avatar Analytics

    Shall I go back to some science? Your genetics, and your brain that arises from your genetics, evolved to be able to anticipate events in your environment. That’s its only real purpose. Even anticipating things like your bodily needs and changes in your state of emotional well-being let’s say. One prominent scientist describes it this way.…

  • Predictive Algorithms

    Predictive Algorithms

    Shall we shift to metaphysics now? So I will ask you. Where did all this behavioral data come from that they can use it to predict your behavior so well? Consumption patterns? What is bought when, supply and demand curves? Your experience. The repeated and reinforced stimuli that taught you to behave in specific ways…

  • Human Predictive Instinct

    Human Predictive Instinct

    Now for human predictive instinct? That core consciousness that “dwells” in the space of the collective consciousness, well… It interfaces primarily with your root cognitive interface, the biological avatar and the embodied skeleton of perception it provides. This is how it acquires language, and how it first communicates with the world in the developmental stage.…

  • First Controller

    First Controller

    Ok, another bit of science. They have discovered “you are who you date”, meaning you tend to subconsciously adopt the character quirks and faults of a beloved partner not recognizing where you got them from. That’s just the most easily understood example though. Anyone you have rapport with, feel a natural sense of kinship with,…

  • Naturalistic Comprehension

    Naturalistic Comprehension

    We don’t have to be taught to understand everything we experience. In fact, they have confirmed that some key values are held and displayed even before an infant reaches verbal ability, like cooperation being good and hurtful interference being bad. They don’t have to be taught these things. In my own case, I quickly took…

  • Language Guides Thought

    Language Guides Thought

    English speaking cultures notoriously have a spotty sense of direction. How clear would you say the rules of structure are in English language? Very ambiguous. The difference between normal English and the Queens’ English for instance. And there is no difference between how you structure the order of your words and how you structure your…

  • Senses Organized Around Space

    Senses Organized Around Space

    So yes, all of our senses organize around our sense of space. Our brains map things metaphorically speaking. Even in my case, as autistics are known for exceptional visual skills, those come in two flavours. A sort of modelling, and a tracking of spatial relationships, order and organization. Can you guess which is mine? Spatial…

  • Sense of Intensity

    Sense of Intensity

    An interesting side note regarding emotions… Emotional pain and physical pain use the same systems in the brain, but there is a universal behaviour regarding the two. Emotional pain always registers as more intense than physical pain, even to the point of physical pain being dismissed if both are being experienced simultaneously. Physical pain can…

  • In Front of Us

    In Front of Us

    Vision, sight, is in front of us, but we do not see fully. The region of the brain literally responsible for engaging and fully processing the senses is physically in the back of our heads. You supposedly see with the front of your brain which has only one neurological function really. It inhibits the other…

  • Beneath Us

    Beneath Us

    Shall we do what’s beneath us, above us, to the left of us, or to the right? Beneath. Beneath us. Time, progress, age, fate. From beneath you it devours. The answer being dust in the wind. This tends to discourage people, but that’s blaming the tools really. Everything beneath us is seen as a means to an…

  • Left and Right of Us

    Left and Right of Us

    Shall I explore what’s to the right of us, or the left? Left. This is like choose-your-own-adventure. To the left we have life according to you. We have the epic story of a person who has tried many things to find happiness, to find meaning. Has engaged in every manner of treasure seeking, and has…

  • Work with Being

    Work with Being

    What about a woman who wants kids but later in her life, after she is satisfied with her relationship, job etc. Then at that time she should pursue child rearing. But her body is limiting her till the age 35. What does she need to do? Listen to her body?  She should listen to her body…