Out of the Blue
The blue retains energies just like the sea does. Cosmic radiation, heat and chemical energy in the case of the sea. Can you guess what energies flow in the blue? Emotion? All emotions, of every being, everything that even acts like emotion, computer operation, information flows of all kinds, every bit of information in your…
Through the Blue
Is there any force more powerful than sleep? Science says we even need it to learn, consolidate memories, even process reality as a general experience, sort our very senses. The world only makes sense to you because you sleep, almost like the planet has some default mode of being. You mean we process in our…
Forces Behind Blue Magick
All things are motivated by the person believing it will make them happy? What makes you believe? What people tell you. Imagination of an outcome? I have never believed something just because someone told me, and have imagined outcomes I didn’t feel had a chance of ever happening. Pretty much all our knowledge is stuff someone…
Essence of Experience
Today, we are talking about blue magick. It’s a strange and little bit complicated topic, but I will do my best. What would you say is the essence of any experience? The emotions involved? Emotion, excellent. You’ve got right to the heart of things. How wide would you say the range of emotional experience is…
Okay to Trust Yourself
Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. Benjamin Spock What I’m Hanging Hope On Today: Every day is full of experience. Even the most stubbornly ignorant individual can’t get through the day without having picked up at least a little new information. They don’t recognize this because they don’t consciously think about…
Inhabiting the Senses
Shall we do something more holistic? I will offer my own perceptual profile. I have a general sense of un-wellness. My body tries to block out awareness of itself. I have become trained to see anything from the body as noise that I at best have to deal with to keep my other channels free.…
Managing Your Perceptual Channels
Shall we get stranger? You can deliberately inhabit each of your perceptual channels. I describe it this way for a reason. While that experiment I mentioned earlier didn’t explore this, each of your sensory channels is linked to each other. Part of your visual sense is linked to your sense of temperature, and part of…
Perceptual Tricks
Shall we get really weird now? You can reconfigure your senses. This has even been proven in the lab recently, and I mean voluntarily reconfigure them not just use some reconditioning trick. I am doing this in my own personal development project, but yes, the experiment… In this example, the people involved were already implanted…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…