DNA Strand
What is life made of? Patterns of energy. Yes, but for the sake of argument let’s say atoms, molecules, DNA. If each of the particles in a DNA strand are just tight little knots of space time (this is an adaption of loop quantum gravity by the way), if they are then the bonds between…
What is life? Growth. I mean physically speaking. Many things grow, accrete. Something that reproduces itself? Ah, that is argued to be one defining aspect of life, yes. They acknowledge one more. Breath? Respiration occurs in simple chemical compounds, the basic process at least, so not breath. Converts energy? Ah, literally everything converts energy. Being…
Well Guided Thinking
There is an example of a culture that evolved for quite some time without automatically trying to kill or deny the presence of the mystery among its people. This culture was in the east, though smaller examples also remained among the smaller more isolated nations. Taoism, a very proverbially mysterious belief system, actually contributed a…
Shall we discuss revelation? Revelation and going native are the same human instinct. We naturally adapt to and connect with those things we live with, regularly associate with, identify with. In our modern age we mostly identify with nations religions, philosophies and styles of idealism. How well connected are any of us feeling really? You…
Mystery Reveals
Why do we fear strangers? Those who feared the “different” survived to reproduce. I’m not sure that does not have to be taught. We’re taught to fear the unknown? Hence fear the mystery? Mystery is not taught, it’s experienced. We are taught to fear states of mind that fall outside of the consensus. Mystery has…
The dichotomy of either accident or intent is something in the wake of foundation thought… anthropomorphising the universe to justify preferences. We are our preferences. They need no justification. We exist as our own behavioural parameters and then proceed to fabricate for ourselves supposedly more fitting replacements. The core mystery would perhaps be that we…
Behaviour Follows Patterns
Mystery is today’s topic. This includes ideas like divine revelation, perceptual quirks, and many other things. Much in the way of mystery is dismissed in this day and age is it not? Yes. Sadly. I get the impression that many main stream thinkers seem to believe they know everything, or know how to know everything…
New Interaction
Everyone familiar with how soap bubbles stay intact? Or the structure of, say, a bucky ball or a carbon nano-tube? Tension. Specific, coherent patterns of tension, and well, especially in the case of the nano-tube, they can display qualities people describe as unearthly. The strongest thing on earth right now, well, manufactured thing as this…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…