Capture the Experience
If you remember the twin rivers metaphor, periodically the animal consciousness and the thinking consciousness make contact with each other. Like the separate chains in a DNA helix they normally stay apart, but when the right circumstances are present and when the right stimuli occurs, they both crash together with a simultaneous recognition and whatever…
Learn, Grow, Change
Both streams of consciousness can learn. They both grown and change, evolve with the experiences of the person. Part of a soldier’s training is overriding those “animal” senses and following orders. Overriding danger. Yes, the animal consciousness can’t anticipate how to avoid being shelled, not normally. It’s part of corporate training too. So yes, visualize…
Animal Stream of Consciousness
Both streams of consciousness (top down and bottom up) are about equally perceptive. Again, the brain likes to conserve energy. This is also part of why the bottom up novelty reactive flow of consciousness is often so quiet, but sometimes something happens. A person has a near death experience, or has undergone a lot of…
Information Streams at Work
First, perhaps a little about the mind. How many streams of information would you say are at work in the mind? Oh my, too many to count. Think primary flows. Just one? Emotion, logic, sensation? Emotion and logic are processes, not necessarily information streams. Buddhists name 6 senses, so at least those. Self-reflection. Would that…
Teach Them
If I am 95% activating my DNA and get together with someone who is only 75%, can it effect me if I allow my self to be pulled down? No. Greater order always overrides lesser order. More ordered systems have greater gravity so to speak, greater pull. So only the emotions are effected or the…
DNA Sampling
Everything in our own region of the multiverse, our own specific multiverse, would be in the same bandwidth as our own universe just as most of what our cells deal with is in the same order of organization as our own DNA. Everything in our own section of multiverse, our own genome, will behave more…
DNA Multiverse
We have to go very much further down the wormhole… As said earlier, DNA is a very large molecule. Every atom in the DNA strand being a universe and universes just being definable units of time space, they would have to complete a cycle of possible iterations. All possible universes would have to cancel each…
Quantum Magnetism
Everyone up on the discovery of quantum magnetism? They have found that atoms themselves display magnetic behaviour. They didn’t think this was so. They are polarized and will sort themselves out until they settle into a more or less magnetically balanced pattern. They have even produced what they call a super fluid. It isn’t even…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…