Hard Wired to Harmonize
Your nervous system picks up patterns of action potential through the mirroring nervous system. They have even found that when you observe someone with the intention to be able to reproduce the action they displayed, your brain activates the same regions as if you were literally doing it. Mirror neurons? Yes. They have found not…
Your Personal Harmony
You are all very noisy people. Everyone is very noisy. Your entire system is constantly making sounds. These sounds have a harmony to them internally. The harmony of your internal sound arises from your process of perception. Harmony is the range of tones that are encompassed and expressed at the same time. This range is…
Borrow the Gifts of the Animals
Just as animals can learn to imitate us, we can reawaken the parts of our own song that harmonize with their own. We can in a sense borrow the gifts of the animals. We are of course off key, and nowhere near as strong as the original species, but this can still be very useful.…
Animal’s Motivation to Heal
Perhaps what motivates animals to heal? They have only a limited understanding of medicine, but animals do have a rudimentary understanding of medicine as well as tools. They have found that chimpanzees deliberately select certain plants when they are experiencing stomach upset or other distress, and different items at different times. If that’s not basic…
New Harmony can Arise and Evolve
Though humanity has taken a less than harmonious stance toward nature in general, animals have been listening to our song. Many have learned to imitate parts of it; birds making machine noises or imitating our music, animals learning at least the simple parts of operating our machines, how to operate levers. Some have even learned…
The Whole Ecosystem Sings
Today, we are talking about animals as healers. We live in a world that is still alive fortunately, and before much of the change humanity would come to bring into the world, life was the primary rule. Every living thing is a part of a greater whole. An ecosystem is not itself an organism, but…
Become Aware of the Bottom Up
How do you know you are about to do something? Bottom up sensation coming before the thought of doing it comes. This is why more revelations come when you have a meditation practice? We’re becoming more aware of the bottom up? Yes. It is also what they mean when they speak of feeling at one with…
Teachings from Mayan and Hawaiian Cultures By Malana Ashlie
I left Hawaii to live in Honduras in an effort to lessen the distance between me and my family in the Midwest, and to move further from a conventional lifestyle. Prayer, meditation and imaging brought a buyer for our home and a new home in Honduras and subtle energy skills and projection gave me the…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…