Between Places
Hollows are between places. They are actually very common though not always active. Many traditions across the world tracked these things. The cenote of Meso American lore would be one. The kivas of the Pueblo Indians. A hollow can be manufactured. What they are is bubbles in the normally full and noisy energy atmosphere. The ancient…
Connecting to the Living Intelligence
If I procrastinate on tackling a problem and it just resolves itself, I feel guilty. You are Apollo. Apollo had his shortcomings as well as his strengths. One shortcoming was exploited by Hermes. He had his chariot stolen right out from under him. Though I’d have trouble getting up early in the morning to drag that…
Path of Isis Through Kitchen Repair
Perhaps a practical example before we wrap up? Not from myself, those tend not to go well or be very useful. Any takers? A problem solving example? Like changing a garbage disposal that was too heavy to lift? Ok. First, let’s find your “god”, your core idea. This is nothing you ever see directly. It…
Eshu Helping Ogoun
Let’s look at our classes first, or no, personal relationship then class. Seeing my wife (Bev) from the point of view of Eshu, I would get the impression to stay out of her direct path, watch what she does and how she does it, and change things she isn’t paying attention to in such a…
What Would Ogoun Do?
Shall I show how to use this using my wife as an example? Give me a problem you would like to fix, or someone would like to fix in general. I am thinking about your website. Well, that is an entity rather than a problem itself. Shall we use popularity? Yes, sure. Assume the point…
Possessed by a God
Let’s look at something even more concrete. Did your career use very much of your engineering education? Oh, a minor amount. Honestly, the engineering education is more a system to filter the number of people interested in the field. What about you? I rely on my physics knowledge more in my private life to solve…
Attune to the Heart of Nature
Where do we go in life through thinking as we commonly understand it? Has your thinking ever changed your life? It leads to routine. Sometimes for the worse. Perhaps for the worse in that it tends to blind us at times to important truths. Caught in tight little circles. Would the opposite effect not be…
Two Faces to Our Minds
We have two faces to our minds. One in which our normal thought occurs that reminds us that we need to go grocery shopping, or speculates about what some strange comment from a co-worker might have meant, or even corrects our application of a skill like writing. This is the top down flow of information…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…