Perceptual Freeze Frame
Shall we get back to the guts of all this? They say siddhis stem from growing self awareness attained through meditation as well as contemplation and understanding of spiritual principles, like karma or other such things. They even say that time travel is possible. Strangely, it seems to be possible only in a forward direction.…
State Over the Universe
Do these siddhis make up the ultimate potential of humanity? Perhaps, but according to the tradition that catalogued them, no. Ultimately, a siddha, one who manifests the siddhis, is said to be able to achieve a state “over the universe”, ascension if you will, and should they not choose to ascend into the shakti or…
Now that I have the science out of the way… Even those who report having achieved one of the siddhis, the attainments, report that it takes a great deal of time and training. These are people who have devoted decades to meditation, but they also acknowledge that some people are born with one of those…
Siddhis, the attainments. We usually think of attainments as things we have achieved in our activities, new skills developed, new awards earned. For many people just having an income they can feel comfortable with is an attainment, but what is it to achieve something anyway? What does it mean that you have learned something even?…
Life Shaped by Your Story
Toil or play comes from how you are moving in a living thinking feeling social world. To wrap up, it’s ultimately about story telling. What story do you tell people in your demeanour? What story do you tell people in your choice of activities? None of it is real in a strictly objective, material sense.…
What Can’t be Taken?
I was very averse to money when I was younger. I quickly learned that people didn’t want to help me unless I could give them something, and I didn’t have the currency of social trade. I wasn’t clever, or funny, or good looking, and wasn’t able bodied so even that bottom line was unavailable to…
To Be Selfless
What is it to be selfless? I have no idea. They’re all getting something from it. See something that needs to be done and do it. To do something that benefits someone else more than yourself. Most people then? Most people live their entire lives that way. Are they good people because of it? Our…
No Work From Fear
Let’s say no one has to work from fear. You need fear nothing from society if you don’t work as directed by someone. No punishment if you don’t take orders. Instead, as you go about your day, people simply ask for your help. What would the world be like then? You’re more willing to give…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…