Work with Fear of the Consequences
Have you ever produced something while you were having fun? Yes. Isn’t productivity work? Sometimes work and play can be the same. Why are they ever different? When the work lasts longer than the period of interest. In work someone else has made the rules? It feels like work when it’s forced. Play when it…
Avoidance Behaviour
Perhaps another question. What do you most fear? Isolation. Anyone else? I myself most fear confusion. I fear being alone. I fear a wasted effort. Pain. If you think about it, the fears you have that spring most readily to mind are social. They have even found that the body and brain react to social…
We Embody the Rules
We start very early in our lives to acclimate to a world were work is done. Even in the family where jobs may not have formal patterns or titles, or official contractual outlines to their obligation, we quickly learn that our parents feed us (usually one more frequently than the others), that some members of…
Potential to Create Change
Today, we are talking about toil, labour and work. What is work? Something properly sanctioned by society as productive? The expenditure of energy. Doing something necessary but not fun. A task that can be accomplished. The potential to create change over time as well. As we live and breath and think and feel and react,…
Kali Is In You
Shall we move onto practice? Have I described the nature and character of Kali? Well, besides serving as a model to understand the natural world, the gods can serve as a locus for one’s personal understanding. Remember how earlier I said in order to be able to handle information people have to structure it into…
Kali Unites
Kali is seen as a destroyer not because of any evil in her. She is well above the potential for evil. What they observe is that many things in life are unstable. They can’t persist for very long. So Kali is the destroyer of evil because with time weakness inevitable emerges. Ah, time is the…
The Gods Move
I will describe things in a way that some traditionalist may object to. I don’t mean to offend anyone by it. I’m just drawing from my general sense of the cross cultural meaning of these things. How do you feel about time? About time in general? Yes. It moves too fast, and moved too slow…
Eighth and Ninth Dimension
We are at the last two dimensions next. There are only nine? Yes, because the tenth in a singularity. An implosive well of being, also known as the well of souls. Back to a dot so the circle completes? Yes. In the eighth dimension, as they say, the lion lays down with the lamb. No…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…