Apocalypse Beast
What do you call a seventh dimensional being? A seventh dimensional being is an apocalypse beast. To use human symbolism, figures like Ymir, Tiamat, Apophys, Uroboros, Nyx would have been such a being. Ah, the multiple heads makes sense. The universes are cells of the seventh, dying off and being created, which is what brane…
Space Between Dimensional Pockets
In the space between these dimensional pockets, you have the seventh dimension. It’s a medium that is superficially apparent in the fifth, and surrounds the sixth like an atmosphere. Just as we can look up and see the night sky but exist in a relatively closed environment, an ecosystem, outer space doesn’t directly affect us…
Shall we move beyond the fifth? In the dimension sixth sphere, you have what we would perceive to be raw sentience having none of the distinctions we use to make intelligible sense of our world. Pure principle, pure expression. Where fifth dimensional beings would be the logos or word. Sixth dimensional beings would be the…
Fifth Dimensional Being
The fifth dimensional being, that corresponds to you as you know yourself to be here, would be difficult to recognize as having anything in common with you. This being embodies not only your personal thread of existence but also all possible alternate threads. All the things you are and all the things you might have…
Higher Dimensions
Shall I leave it at the fifth dimension for now? You could have another class on the higher dimensions? Indeed, there are five more after that. I left off at the fifth dimensional beings. The fourth dimensional beings could be compared to Buddhas. Fifth dimensional beings would be Brahma. Brahman to our personal Atman. Time…
About the akashic record or bardo… You have what some Buddhists refer to as the pure land. It has other names, the summer land, nirvana, Valhalla. It’s all and none of these. The watchers give the fifth dimensional being something to be. The fifth dimensional beings collapse of probability in actual events creates a field.…
Watchers & Walkers
I don’t pretend to understand most of this, but dimensionality is feeling more and more like an “energetic” phenomenon rather than a spatial one. The fourth dimension being the state of energy we call entropy, yes. To fourth dimensional beings our world is a coffee table in their living room. They can stand where they…
Fourth Dimensional Beings
Shall I go into fourth dimensional beings? They don’t think in terms of cause and effect as we do. They don’t experience existence in that way. They move through a space by a chain of relationships. Space being structured by entropy more than mass. While we think of entropy as the break down and progressive…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…