Three Dimensional Beings
Now we get to three dimensional beings, but first a rewind… In two dimensional space the circles would be their mystics. They would be the ones able to understand unity from their personal perspective. A circle would be the two dimensional spaces Buddha. Now in the third dimension, we can begin to understand the philosophy of…
Shaped by Countless Universes
Shall we get weirder now? Let’s look at things from a quantum level. Everything in existence exists only as a tendency, a probability for that particular person, place, or thing to exist. Now what makes something come into existence is enough overlap between those tendencies, like two different ripple patterns crashing into each other, no…
The Spirituality of Writing by Julie Ellis
A Muse By Any Other Name… It is no accident that so many writers, through centuries, have spoken of their “muses.” Some have obviously used the term in a secular and humorous way, to refer to those times when their writing came easily (my muse was “active” or “with me”) and when they experienced writer’s…
Atomic Structure is the Emergent Quality
Our current atomic theory is really a neo-atomism. We don’t actually interact directly with any little particles, and they provide no solid empirical evidence that they even exist. Why scientists continue to use an atomist model is it explains the behaviour of matter and energy, as they are able to observe it enough that they…
Schools of Atomism
Atomism was metaphysics before it was ever incorporated into what we call science now. It grew out of lines of thinking about the ultimate substance of reality, and took many forms in both western and eastern culture. There were two basic schools of atomism. One group being those that favoured a materialist and deterministic world…
A Way to Practice Life
Now over time, you might have to change some game pieces, specifically your pieces. The other pieces don’t belong to you, but you can always continue playing the game, no? What do you really have if you don’t play? People imply there is something better, is there? More free time? Ah, recent research suggests that…
More Fluxx
Your friend is playing the game. Your boss is playing the game. Are they playing well? If not, why not? Is it because they are told to play but that they aren’t allowed to actually play? A lot of people at work play ‘run the library like a corporation.’ Yes, and that might be a…
Game Pieces
Now let’s change the game. Like any game, you have to play with the pieces you have to actually be playing that game. Do you really play with your game pieces? When someone is taking too long on their turn. Excellent, that’s the autonomy thing, or the autotelic drive as they say, but then do…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…