Science without Guidance is Aimless
Would you say the state of science as a social entity is a stable and positive influence in today’s world? Not as a social entity, no. As they say, any scientific advancement can be used for good or ill, so something else must guide that. I think science has improved the quality of living for…
Religion as Inspiration for Understanding
I will ask you friends, do you feel the larger scientific community acts with philosophical integrity? There are some scientific thinkers that do advance the notion that scientific discovery will offer change as regards society and human social ills. It tends to get around to the same idea though. You are an accident of nature,…
Tune Into Your Higher Self By Edwige Bingue
I am a spiritual life coach/ Lightbody Mentor/ healer/ activator/ radio host. Your light body is an energy body made out of light particles. It is a grid work of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self…
Conflict Between Science and Religion
There is a notion held in common these days by many people, that there is somehow a conflict between science and religion. I would acknowledge that currently there is social tension between avowed atheists and members of any religion, even if the religion espouses no real dogma to be opposed to as is the case…
Strategy for Binding
The strategy I spoke of… People who would wrong you are generally possessed of a number of weaknesses, shortcomings and character flaws. Weak willed people tend to try to compensate by being temperamental. Well, we all have an instinct to sync with those around us. The brain absolutely must make sense of every situation it’s…
The Submerging Fantasy
You know how they say time heals all wounds? You don’t have to wait for time to pass. You can speed the process. Forgotten memories get dreamed about. So if you take a new memory, that you have processed and generalized, and then let it spin off into an absurd fantasy, as long as the…
Claim Your Own Mind
What’s the most common name you get called? Any volunteers? Or most common way you are negatively described? Well, if it’s online, the first thing they say is ‘troll’, which is always wrong and shows their lack of understanding. Yes, so let’s use that name, troll. You first think of its meaning. Anyone they don’t agree…
Stuck in Loops
Ceremony, simple or complex depending on whatever suits you best, is not the only way to establish binding. One can focus inward, and through meditation alter the influence of others. It can’t be erased, but it’s general impact, it’s character and thus it’s individuality can be negated. What about meditation can’t be erased? Ah, the…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…