My Brain
I have made mention of a brain project I have been undertaking. I am leary to talk about it, but my intuition says maybe I should, so I will trust it if you are willing. Well, they have discovered under FMRI that people with autism display what they call low functional connectivity. In a normal…
You Are the Intelligence
Now shall I bend your mind even further? The intelligence behind the intelligence of your body and brain is you, and you are just as frustrated as the other computer geeks here. You do log off for a while, put the body in sleep mode, which doesn’t shut it down, and you are the intelligence…
Online Brain
I watched this program that suggested Einstein was like a receiver for broadcasting alien intelligence. You can study slices of his brain to see the differences to what a normal human brain would be. Anyone with super intelligence has this brain difference. Ah well, I think people overplay the alien part. That term really only…
Learning How to Dance With Life by Ron McDiarmid
Life’s pleasures are derived not from the things that happen to us. In fact, they are created by how we respond to life’s ups and downs. Two people in the same situation can respond entirely differently due to their perceptions. Although we cannot always control what happens in our lives, we can learn to shift…
Tap Into a Domain of Intelligence
Ray Kurzweil is projecting that in a matter of decades, we will have something the size of a laptop that dwarfs human intelligence thousands of times over. What do you think of that notion? I’m already scared of it. You needn’t be, though not for the reasons Kurzweil suggests in my view. I say don’t…
Information Rich Natural World
Any questions before I dive off the deep end? Not yet. So off I go. They have discovered they can engineer DNA in just about whatever way they want. They have even built a nanotech engine that has a single molecule for the turbine. Nature has been combining atoms for a very long time. Science…
Two Philosophies of Artificial Intelligence
In order to make artificial anything, there must first have been a natural something that we are imitating. In most schools of thought regarding artificial intelligence, intelligence is either just an incidental byproduct of organic complexity, an empty mechanical process, or intelligence is an emergent quality in sufficiently complex physical systems. These are the two…
Human Alteration
You look like a Techno-Necro Lord. I need a look like that for when I find myself alone with a thug in a subway station. Oh, indeed. It might discourage any aggression. Have you heard of the RPG Iron Kingdoms? I haven’t, or maybe Steam-punk Lich. Yes, it is basically a Steam-punk Lich. I used…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…