Ideas Of Humility
What is humility? Modesty? In your experience friends, does nature show any preference for modesty? There are ideas of humility, and these ideas are indoctrinated into us quite thoroughly. Every effort is made to convince us that humility is a virtue. To the point that self sabotage is one of the most common neurotic behaviours,…
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Do advanced souls ever go into trees or stones? They do, yes. These advanced souls are called Devas. Their elders (known by some as “Archons”) occupy structures such as the sun and our planet itself. The Archons normally don’t concern themselves with things on a human level. That’s more a thing for Devas to do,…
Soul Screams
Even if you are murdered, that is still part of your souls “plan”? Yes and no. Sometimes there are souls who run so dissonant to the song that they temporarily have to be put on mute. The murderers are immersed into a part of the earth song that could be compared to white noise. A…
Walking The Songline
When you mention meeting other souls when we die, do you recognise the souls of your loved ones that passed away before you, family and spouses for instance? You do, and many past loved ones as well. Thus the Native Americans spoke not of Grandma but “The Grandmothers“. They had a gift for not embellishing…
Threads Of Reality
Do plants and trees have souls? They do. In fact, early, out of synch souls often manifest as what humans consider to be “simple” life forms. This is why bugs seem so otherworldly, and why plants seem to have nothing to do with animal anatomy, though they have a vital dependency between these seemingly very…
Age Of The Soul
Is each incarnating soul new, but some more experienced souls come back again? Or are all souls new with more or less imprinting? Some more experienced souls do return, and some move outside of the earth domain all together. If you have an old soul, does that mean it’s a more experienced one? Yes. Can…
Soul Imprints
Can a past soul get imprinted onto more then one newly incarnated souls? Hence many people have been that famous person from the past? Their imprint can be shared between individuals, yes. But the soul, no. The soul just serves to guide those people. This is why guides often seem to come and go in…
Tonight’s topic might be a bit controversial. I will mean no attack on anyone else’s spiritual beliefs with what I talk about tonight. It’s been said that your focus determines your reality. I offer that your focus literally is your reality, and even in your current life your focus ranges well beyond your flesh and…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…