Extreme Orientations
Myself, I am extremely mental. So for me, my emotional and physical lives are all filled with mental activity. Rather than a rainbow of experience, I have what would be a muddy blur, at least seen from an outsiders point of view. I can’t meet people in the physical or emotional. My very organic brain…
Lead Your Way
Anyone have a goal they feel they haven’t reached yet in any of their practices? Plenty of them. Share as you will. A lot have to do with making money in the mundane world. Ok, can you identify a single goal? An income source without limitations of location. Ah ok, and all sources give you…
Reshape Everything
Can you make yourself have a day with no thought? If it’s mind numbing repetitive thought? It’s mind numbing when you have negative judgements about the thought, otherwise it’s no more disturbing than bird song. “A day with no thought?” Yah, right. You are correct. It’s impossible. But people think they can have a day…
Principle of Unity
Today, we aren’t going to talk about the philosophy of unity. We are going to talk about the principle of unity as it applies to practice; magical, religious, spiritual or artistic. Ever wonder about what really needs your primary attention in your practice? Like do you need to meditate more or focus on health more,…
My Question
I have a question. In your experience, which am I better with; understanding the mind or understanding the world? I don’t know, you seem to understand everything. Farkle. Well, thank you for taking a stab at it. Maybe the mind and then you base understanding of the world on that, or the world and you…
Working With The Subconscious: Everything Is Everything Else
It is a basic rule about the subconscious. Everything is everything else. So cutting a carrot is cutting your finger, is cutting someone else’s limb off, is carving a wooden statue, and eating is engulfing, is drowning, is suffocation, is snakes and lizards. The chains go on and on. They aren’t formless though. They are…
Making Processes Happen Intentionally
One of my friends said she cast a spell to make a guy she was interested in contact her, and he came to her house and was really angry, and said, “I don’t know why I’m here.” That probably went bad as he came to subconsciously resent her. We are all linked, and you cannot…
Common Magic
It seems like magic is about changing things. That’s correct. And in Buddhist thought, one tries to learn to accept things the way they are. Is there a contradiction there? The way things are is changing, and accepting is the willingness to remain in the presence of change. Vajrayana Buddhism is all about a traditional…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…