We All Belong
Desire forms are “emotional” forms, and in my opinion not the same as thought forms. Emotional forms are closer to Plato’s first forms, though there are forms that precede emotion. Do you all feel satisfied with your level of self expression in your lives? I offer you can be satisfied. Your very being will know…
Impulse Originates Thought
Have any of you ever had a day when you had no impulse to do anything at all that day? Have any of you had a day where you had no impulse to act? Are you saying that a day spent doing nothing is a day well spent? Yes, and I’m also saying that when…
Understanding A Dynamic
The topic is productivity. We tend to be very concerned with productivity, don’t we? Even if you aren’t employed? It’s a convoluted idea, this productivity. Have any of you spent a day doing literally nothing ever? Everything gets done always, but no one needs to do it. That’s the issue with productivity. As we live…
Willingness To Engage
A right level of productivity is measured by having a good feeling of engagement in life. An instinctive sense of “fullness” and a sense of continued willingness to engage. Even rejecting a metaphysical explanation, the body has an awareness of whether or not it’s operating at its full capacity. I’m thinking of times when I…
Purpose of Cognition
What is the purpose of cognition? It’s properly subordinate to perception, and perception is structured well before even your basic individual gene sequencing happens. It‘s structured at a quantum level. At the range of the “PSI” factor, and I mean PSI factor in the original quantum mechanical sense. The tendency of any set of bodies…
Engaged In Life
We are creative and expressive beings, living paradoxes if you will. I live by an old eastern saying, “Nothing is true, everything is permitted.” This relates very much to productivity, I feel. Anyone see how? Perhaps let’s examine the precept a portion at a time. It is very old. First the statement that nothing is…
Do We Feel Productive?
Productivity is a big concern in the real world, is it not? Have any of you had a day where you did absolutely nothing? Really? Tell me how this was possible? Define “doing nothing”? Literally nothing. Think nothing. Do nothing. Not change in any way. Literally nothing? Not since between incarnations. I would debate even…
No Punishment
I lost my father tragically, and his spirit was very intense and there in the house a long time. In the fullness of a life, the course of a life fully lived, the body fails not from a loss of energy, but from having grown in energy beyond the bodies capacity to house. So it…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…