We Matter
We need to feel like we matter. A well respected psychologist by the last name of Maslow said this. He was the first to look for a model of healthy, high functioning mentality. They think “mattering” is something you have when you have money. Yet we live in a system that can only really function…
Guided Peace Meditation
Guided meditation for relaxation and peace recorded on Reflection Island in Second Life. Join the group ‘One World, Many Paths’ to attend Vampirekiss Fairey’s Events in real time and subscribe to One World Pod. Also connect with Vampi online at deviantART.com. Podcast music provided by Magnatune: Sounds for Meditation, Satori Enjoy friends, Dragon Intuitive
What Is Futile?
What do you feel is futile, friends? Avoiding change. Yes, and having a sense of futility usually comes from an effort on your part to avoid change, very good. Pretending Second Life isn’t real. If Second Life isn’t real then real life isn’t real, and if I go somewhere I will see a bunch of…
Find Your Passion
We are drawing nearer to the source than we ever have before as human beings. It’s causing some to have crisis of faith, others it’s been validating for. Crisis, because they are scared of the truth? Yes. So with this view, nothing is futile with the proper inner state brought to any act? Yes, but…
Presence In Experience
Responsibility. Are we responsible for anything beyond our direct human connections? I don’t see how we can be. Well, doesn’t that include the cosmos? We do chant for the sun to rise. Our direct connections do include the land we live with, yes, but most people feel ill equipped to see the land as something…
What Is Not Futile?
We are going to talk about futility. It has been on my mind a lot. I would start by asking, what isn’t futile? Breathing? Is if you’re submersed in water. The soul? Hmm, good response, and will go into that later. I’m thinking of dishes and laundry, and how you get them clean and then…
Humanities Cousins
What is the technomancers view of robots? To a techomancer, these creations are humanities cousins. It’s evolutionary children and the mirrors of our own souls. We must be very careful from a technomancers view in exactly how we engineer these “children”, because their evolution will influence our own. Their fate will mirror our fate. It’s…
Evolving Into Spirit
In one of the earliest stories of a “robot”, a mystic with his insights creates a “golem” to serve his community. But his insights are shallow and the golem, an animated statue of clay, after a while stops taking orders and instead starts destroying people and things. So far this imbalance still exists in the…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…