What is Waste?
What is waste, my friends? A lost opportunity. Stuff we don’t need? Something squandered. Excess. All answers are valid because we all see it differently, and that is perhaps the key point. People often judge another with the lament, “What a waste.” I would ask, how do they know? Every choice of one thing involves an…
Consistent Power
All of our senses function on one principle, and it is the consistency behind all senses. Attention. We have this power, because attention is the process by which we express our individual purposes here. How we are individuated in any way at all? We are here to “attend.” Do you believe it has something to…
Guiding Dynamic
So what in our own being is ever consistent? Is anything? Change? Is the change aimless? If we err but must be consistent, then we must be “damned”? There can be no atonement or salvation, because consistency is virtue? I think we only get aware of consistency when something changes in our life that we…
Life By Principles
We praise consistency in most things unless the consistent behaviour is judged negative, but then we still prefer it to inconsistent negativity. The person who’s only erratically negative is much more scary socially for some reason. Is it not true of children that they feel more secure with consistency? Actually, I would debate that. In…
Soul First
There is a lot of concern with free will. This is why many shun the concept of unity. We do have free will, or intention, also called choice, but we misunderstand that capacity. We err in our understanding of those choices. Whenever you chose one thing, you at the same time exclude another choice. This…
Consistent Incarnation
Is this existence one of the best for the souls evolution? Sort of a really intense boot camp? If you meant to illustrate infinity, how would you do it? I visualize a huge, grid like matrix, extending forever in all directions. Physical reality serves that purpose. Incarnation serves that purpose, and the events that happen in…
Consistency For Preservation
Today’s topic is consistency. In my experience, people often point out my quixotic nature as one of the things they find uncomfortable about me. I’m basically sort of inconsistent. In general, people praise consistency as a virtue, and of the virtues, consistency is perhaps the easiest to keep to. As the America wrestler “The Rock”…
Joyful Obligation
We shape the future by the choices we make now. Do we choose to meet life’s circumstances via joy or resentment? Very true, and where is the awareness of our own joy? Is it not where we are told petty or evil things lay in our being? Is it not from the animal side that…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…