Guided Grace Meditation #2
A guided meditation recorded on Reflection Island in Second Life. Join the group ‘One World, Many Paths’ to attend Vampirekiss Fairey’s Divine Grace meditation classes in real time. Join the group ‘One World, Many Paths’ to attend events in real time and subscribe to One World Pod. Podcast music provided by Magnatune: Intro: Passage by Mike…
The Shark Story
We are honored to have Maia Avedon share her native Hawaiian culture. She shares tales of Hawaiian values of spirit, mind and body. Today she offers us ‘The Shark Story’. Join the group ‘One World, Many Paths’ to attend events in real time and subscribe to One World Pod. Enjoy friends, Dragon Intuitive
Psychic Drain
There are certain people that leave me feeling drained consistently. Are they really draining me? What can I do about it? They may be, but are they draining you or taxing you? Hmmm, they don’t annoy me or anything like that. One is a friend who I like, but I can only see her for…
See In Darkness
The cane fields parted last night. One half went to the right, the other half to the left. A clear line was drawn. The darkness of that message was on its path. So you read this omen? As it was happening, I could smell the change in the air. It was pungent. I got chicken…
Drum Circle #1
Raising energy on Reflection Island in Second Life. Join the group ‘One World, Many Paths’ to attend Vampirekiss Fairey’s Drum Circle classes in real time. Subscribe to One World Pod If you’re a musician, we’d love to have some original music clips to add to our One World Pod. If you feel you can capture…
Energy Phases
Consider a sunny day. The flowers are open. The sky is clear and maybe not too hot, and the birds are singing. This is the world with a normal balance of energy. Have any of you been to a place that seemed almost the opposite of this? It seemed to drink up your energy like…
Energy Sensitivity
I am discussing psychic vampirism. I discuss a broad range of subjects and hit just about everything. It isn’t an endorsement or criticism of any practice or phenomenon. Have you noticed that not everyone seems to have a normal energy cycle? They sleep irregularly and are sometimes energized when they should be fatigued? Energetically, we…
Twisted Intention
Sit your body wherever you like. What I would ask you, is where are you sitting in your mind, and how long have you been sitting there? Oh, 44 years. Long time to sit isn’t it? There is a basis for moving minds. It’s the will, and does the will sit still? I think so primarily,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…