Way In The World
People are infinite, and saying people are crazy is ego. Saying people are wise is ego. Saying anything and embracing it as an absolute definition is ego. We can see the song, and then we can see the singer, and then we can see the unity of voices, but the perception of unity doesn’t come…
Guided Grace Meditation #1
A guided meditation recorded on Reflection Island in Second Life. Join the group ‘One World, Many Paths’ to attend Vampirekiss Fairey’s Divine Grace meditation classes in real time. This is Dragon Intuitive’s first meditation podcast production. We hope you enjoy it.
Free Will
Destiny is like one of those unspoken rules people joke about. People talk about it little, but think about it more than they admit. When anything seems outside of their power to affect, or when there seems to be an influence in their life that seems to get a vote and they don’t understand that…
Life Purpose
What is your nature? Some have said your nature is God. To use quantum theory, your nature is the observer. Have you noticed that sometimes when you’re really upset, you sort of unplug from the situation, and are just sort of an “observer”? People have noticed this even in “episodes” or near death experiences (NDEs).…
The World Is Watching
People often get into the idea that they are “entitled” to do what they are used to doing, and get deeply stuck in their habits and “set in their ways”. The problem with this is they don’t see that they have options. They have made decisions, and don’t seem to realize they can make more…
Participate in Destiny
I’m going to talk about destiny. It’s not a topic people talk about much, but they think about it a fair bit. They wonder if it is, or isn’t there. They think about it when feeling powerless, or when if feels like something else is deciding their path, but destiny isn’t quite so clear cut…
Critics of Institution
The cynics accept that there were Gods. They were especially fond of Hercules, actually, and from their point of view they were on a mission from Zeus. Did they think of nature as God? Basically they did, and that we should stop wasting Gods time. That was their thought. To the point of view of…
Classical Cynicism
I am not talking about being grouchy, but classical cynicism which is a life philosophy. It’s a philosophy that does have its roots in the teachings of Socrates, and if anything focused on putting them into very literal action. Cynics believed that virtue was sufficient for a happy life, and virtue was in evidence in what…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…