It’s All Language
Do we choose words because of an inherent energy the sound makes (freq. etc.), or do we impart the energy to the words with our intent? Both actually. The pattern of language is in the world; birds, bees, dolphins, whales. It’s really everywhere. The emissions from quartz deposits are patterned. They are not white noise,…
Inform the World
There is much criticism of language in the fad monasticism that seems to be the vogue of spirituality lately. Very Zen, and I’m no critic of Zen, but there is stuff beyond that point. Sort of like the Buddhist handling of the concept of Gods. They don’t go there, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t…
Fey Spirits
Fey dwell in the wild. They live in a sense as the spirits of the wild, but they aren’t exactly what humans see them as. They parallel physical nature, but they are not confined to it. You may have actually noticed this. Ever been in a far removed meadow? One little trafficked by humans? Fey sing,…
Accepting Emotion
The secret of healing rage is neither repression or guilt. There can only be true healing with understanding. Rage is a language in the world. In a world of conflict and aggression, rage is a response to a world that can turn against you at will. Like anything else, rage has a dynamic of statement…
Ye Are Gods
The indomitable human spirit is true of us. Even Jesus says at one point in the Bible “Have I not said, Ye are Gods?”, but people weren’t listening. People were too busy making themselves into devils, too busy feeling guilt, and punishing the guilty. Guilt is not virtuous, and never can be. Guilt is not justice.…
Generosity to Ourselves
We begin with generosity to ourselves. Generosity is forgiving. Forgiving is powerful generosity, but it’s also in a sense greed. Because when you allow yourself to see, you realize that whatever you are forgiving isn’t something “personal”. You won’t forgive the person for being who they are, and where they are. You realize it wasn’t…
Greed and Generosity
Greed and generosity are not the diametric opposites people think them to be, but why do we separate and oppose these in our minds? It’s sort of how our society is structured. There are those with drive, and when we are angry at them we call them greedy. They tell us that we should be…
Self vs. Ego
What’s the difference between presence and present? Present is ego. Presence is self. There are two types of instincts? No, there is one type of instinct. One whole world of instinct. My definition of ego is an “idea of self”, a self image. To use religious speech, it’s a false idol. Most orthodox believers are…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…