Possession Phenomenon
Possession is a common theme for paranoid schizophrenics, but there is something real behind it and it isn’t what you see on TV or movies. We don’t exist in a world of matter and objects. We exist in systems of energy, and that idea that we are nicely self contained, is a half truth at…
After 2012
The punctuated equilibrium is about down, the gene code of the Nephilim wants to come out and play. 2012 fun. What do you see coming after 2012? Radical social and educational reform. The feathered serpent was the God that gave the Aztecs medicine and engineering. This is why you see him on their pyramids. Quetzecotl?…
Hold of the Demiurge
The Demiurge has manifested in many ways, many guises, Loki, Ahriman, Iblis, the being of “smokeless” fire who refused Allah’s edict to serve man. It’s a very long list. Horus. He is the eye in the sky and the maker of rules, to use some lines from a song. “I’m the eye in the sky…
The Demiurge
The concept of the Demiurge is actually more broad than might be assumed. For most, belief system in the beginning was chaos. A formless or hyper ordered state beyond human comprehension, and the divine being, the first consciousness, tends to dwell in or arise from this. Now in an effort to understand the consciousnesses that…
In Trust, Act
Looking back for my future. Looking forward it’s past. The only time I can love you is in the now. Not a race. Hey, wrote a poem. Yes, that’s the truth. If right now I just cannot accept my now, I can take radical action. Nothing is truly circumstantial, but things are balanced. You choose radical…
Distrust Distrust
Is there ever a time not to trust? When you have to ask if you should trust, then distrust the distrust. In my area there is terrible violence with gangs. I don’t want to be paranoid. Trust they will act on what they say. Distrust doesn’t serve. Really distrust is the force that keeps us…
Know Yourself
It’s quite popular to doubt, to distrust people. Supposedly you are being shrewd and intelligent if you trust no one. Anyone know any paranoiacs who are genuinely wise? Fearful geniuses? Anyone changing the world by running away from it or doubting themselves? And yet, it’s cool to subscribe to trust no one right now. Even…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…