Psychokinesis Phenomenon
Psychokinesis (PK) is directly linked to energy state. Thus many tai chi practitioners report an increase in energy, as do yogis and really any energy worker. Most people don’t experience or notice self generated PK, because their systems are bogged down in what’s been called G.A.S, generalized affective syndrome. Your energy is all bleeding away…
Exerting Force
Psychokinesis is the minds ability to exert force on the world whether it’s coordinated or not. But there are observable differences in exactly how any influence happens or is arrived at. There are two levels of Psychokinesis, and one is simply the observer affect. It is basically what they call micro-psychokinesis or PK for short.…
Divine Mind
When you make God a person you automatically limit God, and that isn’t possible. When you say God is the person, and no one else is God, then no one at all is God. For something to be a supreme being it would have to be all knowing. Nothing outside of it’s mind, literally nothing. …
Dark Paths
What would you say about someone who has killed a couple of hundred people, and accepts that, sleeping soundly knowing that only the dark part of his soul enables that same sleep? Is the soldier a criminal for having killed? Is someone who sees the world darkly an enemy for that view alone? I would…
I Am That I Am
Do you wonder if you’re real? I do wonder if I’m real. I’m often impressed with the notion that I am a figment of my own imagination, and when I wake up I might be just an idea someone else had. We are all creatures of consciousness, multi-faceted. I am that I am. God is truth.…
My liver is so proud, he thinks he is better than my heart. Actually, the body can know hubris. It’s called cancer. When a new cell is too deviated, when it’s not acknowledging that it’s in the liver, and won’t in any way do the liver thing, then it’s hubris. Cancer cells are still of…
All Too Easy
Ease is not unwholesome. The way forward is not through a brick wall. Stress is an unnatural state to be in very often. In nature nothing tries to do anything. Seeming struggle is really just an orientation period after nature inspires a new phase in life, yet to have merit in a human world one…
Pride is Not Evil
Pride is not evil. It’s saying I did this, because well, you did. It’s saying I’m here. You did what you did, and you don’t have to disown it. Just remember, it’s what you did. You aren’t what you did, you did it. You are what you are. As opposed to pride in the self?…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…