Pride vs Hubris
Pride is not a vice. I always laugh at the ascetics who speak of pride as if it were some great evil, but if you undertake any action with the conviction that it is right, there is an element of pride to it. The idea that your action is right, the idea that you can…
No Crazier
In respect to the Evangelicals that build fortified shelters and food storage, in the barren bad land in the western United States, the Scientologists also believe in an environmental doomsday. This is the same global event that the Mayans predicted would occur in 2012. Unlike the Evangelicals, the Scientologist doomsday plan is to use the…
Second Hand Insight
Scientologists are selling the second hand insight, and require their parishioners to sign many legally binding forms before they can receive services. Their insights aren’t bogus, and in fact I encourage people myself to rephrase any insight they understand from another source. If it’s yours, it’s yours. Even in Christianity the Bible says that the…
What is Scientology?
Scientology came about as much good science fiction does. L. Ron Hubbard is the founder, and he did extensive research into world cultures, beliefs, religious experience in general, and he noticed as many do, that there is a common thread in all these efforts, all these creeds and bodies of practice. I have read his…
Fissure in Time
The world is not over yet, but it is coming to an end? The world ends right now. Right now I see things differently, even now, just ended again, changed my mind, there my world ended again. Are you looking now? Whole new world. Each persons mind is a world, we either explore it or hide…
Translate Energy
When a Shaman is working with a spirit body, they will perceive objects and body shape that people would deny is real. They in their denial are actually mistaken, and this is why touch therapy is now a “legitimate” treatment. Even if they still don’t really know why it works, how we translate that energy…
World in Balance
There is a thought that bad things happen to good people. How can you explain that? Bad things happen to good people, because the concept of good and bad (i.e. justice) is a human notion. This living world is no respecter of persons, and so much of what is “bad” is just seen as bad. If…
Deja Vu
Deja vu means “seen again”. It’s when you have the experience that you have seen something before that your brain knows it hasn’t. The temporal sequence of things isn’t neat. The fabric of time space is like worm eaten wood. When another “road not taken” would lead to an event earlier, that you actualize later,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…