Setting Healthy Living Goals as a Response to Grief by Camille Johnson


When you grieve the loss of a loved one, it triggers sadness. You may also feel angry and be in denial over the loss. However, it’s also a time to realize how short life is, which may stimulate your desire to live a healthier lifestyle and set goals to accomplish that.

Start Exercising More Often

You may have tried exercising regularly in the past but lost interest in it. Physical activity, though, is vital to your cardiovascular system’s health and can improve your mood as well. It’s known to ward off depression and anxiety through the release of endorphins — “feel-good” hormones. Ultimately, this may help you during the grieving process and in the long run. 

As a general rule, aim to complete a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise five days per week. If this seems overwhelming, start slowly. Participate in exercises, such as walking, for 15 minutes a few times a week, and work your way up to this goal. 

Start Eating More Healthily

 Your body requires vitamins, minerals, and enough calories to function. If your diet is deficient in any of these areas, you may feel more tired than usual, and it can even contribute to issues with nerve function, among other problems. On the other hand, when you consume too much food, in particular unhealthy items, you can become overweight, which leads to its share of health concerns, including diabetes and hypertension

Therefore, if you want to make the most of your life and extend it as long as possible, consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid high-fat and high-sugar foods as much as possible. 

Establish Career Goals

You may be in a rut with your career and have little room for growth. This can take a toll on your mental health and self-esteem. So as you’re setting goals, prioritize making your career more rewarding. 

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For example, consider opening a business and becoming your own boss. This puts you in charge of your financial well-being. You get to choose who you work with, and once you’re established, you have more control over your schedule.

If you have a family to care for and a job you can’t quit right now, and you’re battling your feelings of grief, consider breaking down the process into small steps. One step may involve forming a limited liability company, which provides tax advantages, flexibility, and personal liability protection. Be sure to look into your state’s regulations first before you begin. 

Start Scheduling “You” Time Each Day

When you have various responsibilities, you can feel like you never get a second to breathe and relax. After a loss, you may realize how little you do for yourself, making it a time to reevaluate your priorities a bit. 

Consider scheduling time for yourself each day. During your “me” time, do something you love with no distractions, such as reading, taking a long, hot bath, or going for a hike.

Make Mourning a Time to Reprioritize Your Life

As you mourn a loss, you need to process your emotions, but you can also make it a time to start living your best life possible by developing a healthier lifestyle. 

Camille Johnson
Guest Blogger
Dragon Intuitive

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