Category: Dark Metaphysics

There are very few frank and well reasoned discussions of the dark side of metaphysics. So I thought a class focused on the darker side of metaphysics might serve a valuable role.

What I classify as dark actually falls into what might be called the “shadowed” real of the already occult. This series on Dark Metaphysics is not for indulging anyone’s morbidity. Nor will I advocate the egotistical behaviour associated with many posers to the dark side. It may mirror for you your own path, and thus teach you more about your own way, and you may discover that it is your personal way.

What do you want to know about the dark side?

“The laws and descriptions which make up the literature of occultism can never be a substitute for experience. They indicate directions in which experiment may be made, and in many cases their validity may be known quite promptly to those who will pursue their indications with resolution and energy. They are not intended as a field for … speculation.” Hugh Shearman, An Approach to the Occult

  • Core Question of Chaos Magick

    Core Question of Chaos Magick

    So who lives in your head? Under what sea of imagination and concern? Before we talked about chaos theory and philosophy, today we are talking about chaos magick and a meta-paradigm of practice. Who’s on first? You are under a spell, and you are always on first, never on second, and will never experience home…

  • Become What You Are Not

    Become What You Are Not

    We believe what we experience. We either control or are controlled by our experience. Which do you prefer? I prefer to control my experience. Do you know how to control your experience? I only watch movies at home. I never go to the theatre anymore. You are controlled by the experience of holding your new…

  • Belief Anchored in Experiences

    Belief Anchored in Experiences

    I need to start believing I’m a playboy millionaire with fancy gadgets. You can’t just spontaneously believe whatever you might arbitrarily choose. Belief has to be anchored in experience. Otherwise, you are just making noise in your head. This is why positive thinking so commonly fails to work, and why books like The Secret are…

  • Knowing Your Triggers

    Knowing Your Triggers

    Do you want the keys to the doors of your own perception? Ever notice how long an experience can linger with you? Like say how long a song can remain stuck in your head? Ever wonder why that happens or how? I have. Most commonly it happens when you were in an inhibitory state, deeply…

  • Self Directed Belief

    Self Directed Belief

    So back to chaos magick… Instead of conforming to a traditional set of practices and symbols that are traditionally seen to have meaning, the practitioner of chaos magick experiments with symbols, both traditional ones and ones that their experience or imagination suggest might be especially meaningful. They might create a ritual dedicated to a pretend…

  • Background for Demonolatry

    Background for Demonolatry

    What do you already know about demonolatry? Not much I guess. Movie stuff. Mostly from games and Supernatural. If it sounds like the word idolatry, you are not too far off, or way far off, depending on your point of view. Demonolatry is the study of demons and their behaviour, more akin to naturalism, say…

  • Powers of the World

    Powers of the World

    The question for a demonolater is not how to please God, or even how to please themselves either, not necessarily. Demonolatry is primarily Gnostic, seeking to understand the divine in the self, as well as reaching out to the divine in the world. They aren’t just looking to grab power though it’s not something “demonized”…

  • Interest in Demons

    Interest in Demons

    The interest in demons, why people are demonolaters at all, could be compared to voodoo. In order to find the best way to get by in the world, to prosper and grow in the most efficient way possible, to understand the self and the world as much as possible, as deeply as possible, they seek…

  • Misconceptions of Demonolatry

    Misconceptions of Demonolatry

    Common misinformation about demonolatry, misconceptions… Would beings that seek to foster fertility and continued life actually be gratified by the opposite of their intentions? Want to promote and preserve children so do the opposite of that? Sacrifice? No. It would be an insult to the intelligence that has its existence, its embodiment, in the ongoing…

  • Demonic Karma

    Demonic Karma

    Do demonolators believe in personal responsibility? They do. They parallel satanists in many ways in day to day stuff. They differ in the spiritualism aspect so satanists would deny that demonolators have anything in common with them. To demonolators the consequences of your actions are enacted by the demons, a sort of demonic karma. So…

  • Voice of Your Personal Demon

    Voice of Your Personal Demon

    Have you ever had a problem occur where you totally respected how that event or circumstance was supposed to go? Has anything gone wrong when you made no effort to bend or steer how it was occurring? What happens when you just let yourself experience an event? I have had things go wrong that I…

  • Insights from Demons

    Insights from Demons

    Familiar with Socrates’ demon? I don’t think I am. Socrates attributed his insights, even foresight, to a presence he encountered in his meditative moments that displayed an insight into events and the world around him that he openly said himself that he did not have. (Even though he would have gained had he laid claim…

  • Name Your Demon

    Name Your Demon

    How do I put my personal demon on steroids? Be a part of it’s system and be mindful of your own. The structure and order around you is not accidental, but if you believe it is (as many if not all people seem to believe), you will choose actions and reactions that create noise and…

  • Working With Your Demon

    Working With Your Demon

    I’m still wondering how to get in contact with a demon. You already are in contact, but contact in what way? What goal would you have? I guess my goal is to make an impact through my writing or art… as well as get physically healthier. Perhaps the easiest contact is this, look for the…