Category: Deception

When we deceive another, all we are doing is imposing our personal point of view on them. No one can sway all deceit. By those things we choose to conceal, we reveal ourselves, that very soft underbelly we are most terrified of, our inner demon. The individual is the biggest trickster they will ever face, and the reason for that is they have bought into an idea of who they are as an individual.

If you don’t worry about lies, you can see that their lies reveal their truths, and you can know what they would really do, because people always lie about their truths. If it’s not their truth, they don’t even think to make up a lie about it.

When you see no truth you see no lies, you just see things. When you aren’t careful, you have no cares, because you aren’t creating them. But when, in the name of truth, you live your life carefully, well… How is hell treating you?

We need to realize that we cannot make a point, that all of our efforts are deceit, all of our ideals are vanity, and keep living anyway. We need that story.

“A deception that elevates us is dearer than a host of low truths.” Marina Tsvetaeva

“Now I believe I can hear the philosophers protesting that it can only be misery to live in folly, illusion, deception and ignorance, but it isn’t -it’s human.” Desiderius Erasmus

  • Limited Points of View

    Limited Points of View

    What is deception? Intention to misinform. Intention to sway a choice to your own favour. A form of manipulation. It is perhaps one of the biggest crimes of the dark seeker. Why is that? They feel they can’t be upfront about things? Other’s feel they can’t be upfront about things. The rap sheet of a…

  • Imposed Point of View

    Imposed Point of View

    You don’t have a single will. We all want many things at any given time. You have a will to live, a will to exert influence, a will to create stability. The list goes on and on. How do we reconcile all these things we will to do? Keep them all in balance and in…

  • Descend to the Valleys

    Descend to the Valleys

    Just as the wise man ascends to the top of a mountain in the metaphor, there are those who descend to the valleys, walk along the waters of chaos. More commonly we call chaos, trouble. There is a reason they stay near trouble. Do we not all learn from others deceit? We do, and it…

  • Destructive Lie

    Destructive Lie

    We lie about our power. We do. We tell a horrible lie. We say that we are without power. This lie is really destructive. And to make others believe that they have no power is worse. Do you know why they do that? So we can control them. We make other people believe they have no…

  • We Need Story

    We Need Story

    It would be more useful to look for my lies. Truth could naturally surface then. Truth always naturally surfaces, because reality always remains real. We don’t have to do anything about that. This is why people fall into this apathy that has led to so much borderline psychotic behavior. They believe that all truth is subjective.…

  • Don’t Worry About Lies

    Don’t Worry About Lies

    Now shall we go to the very depths? The deceit of conflict, lies of malice. We encounter conflict no matter where we go. The “evil” liar knows their lies will not endure. They also know that they don’t have to last to have the impact they want. The aggressive liar moves into other people’s mental…

  • Make Things Up

    Make Things Up

    My purpose in describing deceit today was this, to show you where to find the lies. They aren’t everywhere, like shadows they have their own way about them. I just rock back and forth, brushing my hair and telling myself I am pretty. Excellent, and I will lead you with a mirror into a quiet…