Want to Keep Promises? Stop Making Them by Roger Elmore
Promises. We make them every day without even thinking about it. If you consider how many times you’ve said, “I promise” within the past week, you’ll realize that the phrase almost comes out as automatically as do phrases like “good morning” or “I’m fine.” Although most of us are good at making promises, we often…
Caring: An Essential Element in Living a Life with Purpose by Kitty Holman
At some time or another, we all stop the wheels of the daily grind and think to ourselves, “Why do we work?” or “Why do we study?” or simply “Why do we do anything at all?” These sorts of questions have plagued our civilization for thousands of years, and they speak to the heart of…
On Defining, Choosing, and Retaining a Life Focus by Maria Rainier
What would life be without focus? Having a focus enables us to create meaning in our lives, construct success based on achievement of goals, engage in deep personal development, and encourage others by saturating our lives in deliberate thinking and action. The word “focus” means a lot of things to many different people, but in…
What is Essence Vitale, Qi, Ka, Pranam? by Nikhil Manna
From a martial art point of view, I would say that Chi is simply the language in which our body communicates to our brain. Lowering centre of gravity, using traction, keeping zero tension in the leg and synchronizing it with the breath and moving in a J shape following an imaginary tunnel. It is not…
Living with Purpose by Kitty Holman
Purpose. It’s one of those lofty words that are used in motivational conferences, commencement address speeches, and places of worship. It is supposed to make us feel big, feel like individuals that are more than just the sum of our banal daily experiences. But what does it mean, precisely, to have a purpose? Are words…
Calming the Mind: Lessons from the Sea by Jacob Mojiwat
Spending time underwater changes your perspective on life. It may sound trite to say that it’s peaceful under the sea, or that diving to the depths brings me to my own inner depths, but it’s very true. Since I’ve been diving, I find I’ve become much more philosophical about certain things. I think that is…
Respect for Planet Earth by Alvina Lopez
We read about environmental issues nearly every day. We buy “eco-friendly” products from stores like Whole Foods or farmer’s markets. And we watch with fascination nature and wildlife adventure shows on television. We do all these things in an effort to be closer to nature, more in touch with the planet earth. But how much…
No You in Love by John Ptacek
Love is where you are not. It would bomb as a pick up line, but it’s a concept of love worth pondering. They are the words of Jiddu Krishnamurti, a renowned spiritual teacher who travelled the world in the twentieth century extolling the merits of self-inquiry. At first the statement comes across like one of…
Living in Congruence with your Personal Values by Mariana Ashley
In a nutshell, personal values are traits or qualities that you hold true and believe whole heartedly. They are what define your character. They say who you are and how you would like to be indentified or represented. Personal values are instilled and influenced through a variety of different factors, including your parents, religion and…
Affirmations for a Positive Well-Being by Elias Cortez
An affirmation is a thought, a word or a statement in our conscious or sub-conscious mind. It is important for us to realize that these thoughts or affirmations are instrumental in shaping our lives, our destinies. These thoughts or beliefs are based on our everyday experiences from the time we become aware of our surroundings.…
Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict by Donna Reish
Most people will have at least one interpersonal conflict every day. In fact, conflict is a part of every interpersonal relationship. Unfortunately, it often seems that interpersonal conflicts have much more harmful than healthy approaches to a resolution. That being said, it’s important to understand negative conflict management to avoid those pitfalls and to achieve…
5 Horoscope Apps For Your Smartphone by Nick
Since the invention of high-technology smartphones like the iPhone and Android phones, many applications have taken the world by storm! For example, no longer will you need to carry a compass when traveling because you can just install a compass app and run it on your phone. Another type of bestselling app that people install…
Eating vs. Eating Well by Amber O’Connell
Eating. You’d think it would be, should be, such a simple thing. But oh, how difficult it can be. The analyzing, over-analyzing, the under-analyzing followed up by guilt. One simple meal can turn into a stressful affair in no time. I’ve had my share of moments (or rather days and weeks on end) when eating was too complicated…
Healing Artwork by Victoria Safriet
I create Healing Artwork. My artwork is intended to create balance within. I do not claim to cure, only heal that which is in the state of imbalance. I could be full of shit or I could be revealing a universal truth. It’s not for me to decide, but for you to question, investigate and…
Learning By Doing Rather Than Schooling by Natalie Hunter
In the issues of pedagogy, empirical learning is often in contrast with direct schooling. Direct schooling can be thought as going to a school in a classroom setting and being taught information instead of being given hands-on training for a particular skill. Nothing is necessarily wrong with the classroom setting, whether in a traditional sense…
Spiritual Thoughts of Robert Gresak
WORRY AND ANXIETY It is in our human natures to worry and be filled with anxiety especially when it concerns such things as our children, our income or our health. The trick is not to worry excessively. One should rather think first, assess, then act. Adjust your way of living as need demands, changing things if one can, but then,…
The Act of Meaning by Lauren Bailey
Communication is easily distilled or reduced down to an informative event, where the truth or falsity of a given statement is verified or contested by the recipient of the communication. And while communication certainly is an event that may or may not transmit a kind of block of information to an audience, anyone who has…
A Greater And Higher Reality by Robert Gresak
We accept the familiar and the usual. We are comfortable and “at home” with it. Anything that threatens the stability of our three dimensional world causes us untold anxiety. Anything that may lead to the shattering of the usual, the familiar, brings fear and worry. We are very comfortable with our certainty. Strangely, even the…