Tag: animal

  • Spiritual is Animal

    Spiritual is Animal

    For me daily, my muscles behave as if I have done hard labour all day upon waking. I never seem relaxed, and for all intents and purposes I never am. I have a somatic instinct. My shape even seems to change to people. If it’s off, in moments of composure my skeleton realigns, even some fine…

  • Origin of Animal Guides

    Origin of Animal Guides

    Animal guides as a topic is potentially deeper than it might seem. In Taoism they say the 1000 things stem from one thing. This is said in one way or another in every tradition, and it’s reflected in many creation myths; the Native American, the Egyptian, Babylonian, Japanese. Even in the Native Australian belief, and…

  • Animal’s Power

    Animal’s Power

    We can all learn from animal’s power and to be more like the traits in the animals as they are in their pure form. It brings out good things in us as we have similar power in ourselves. Thus we were able to domesticate previously wild animals. When you sought the guidance of a Shaman,…

  • Human and Animal

    Human and Animal

    What if in the course of acting out animal instinct, one fails to see beyond their own desires and harms others? That is a valid point. Can you avoid doing any harm? In trying to avoid harm, is it proof against your harm? If you refuse to engage, can that not itself cause harm? In pursuing…

  • Animal Guides Q&A

    Animal Guides Q&A

    Sometimes you can crave things that aren’t very good for you? That’s not from instinct. Addiction is a human trait. Most animals will sniff beer and refuse to drink, and they flee smoke. My first power animal was a skunk! Oh yes, mustelids are quite spirited. If you need to understand determination, watch a skunk.…

  • Animal Spirit Elders

    Animal Spirit Elders

    The Native American culture has differing origin/creation stories.  They all generally believed in a great spirit and the animal spirits were considered elders. Humans were seen as young in the world, but to their view animals were spirits, not necessarily confined to looking as they seem to obviously, and the line between human and animal wasn’t…

  • Our Animal Teachers

    Our Animal Teachers

    Those who would listen, and I don’t mean with their ears, but with the receptive mind, those who’s hearts are open to the world and other species, are growing and changing. There are those who perhaps don’t even know why. At least they don’t know yet, but their empathy is coupled with a compassionate heart,…

  • Animal Messages Meditation

    Animal Messages Meditation

    Relaxation based on water. Let the stress and tension go and be prepared to receive. Enjoy this energy work Animal Messages meditation with the spirits. Recorded at the Oracle Gate on Reflection Island in the online virtual world of Second Life. “See the path before you and follow it.” Join the Second Life group ‘One…

  • Animal Brain

    Animal Brain

    It’s established that the hindbrain has the ability to override any voluntary higher functions. Your reptilian and mammalian brains can shut your “thinking” brain off, but it does this when the information presented to it is too contradictory for it to feel secure about it. Your animal brain isn’t afraid of violence. It isn’t afraid…

  • Animal Consciousness in Us

    Animal Consciousness in Us

    If a person doesn’t dream, what does that mean? Everyone dreams, but there are states of consciousness more removed from waking process than we normally think of. So the person may be going into a deeper state of consciousness? The deeper you go into consciousness, the further away you get from something that would make…

  • Animal Range of Enlightenment

    Animal Range of Enlightenment

    Animals, as we call them, range over the realm of instinct and emotion freely, and we can even witness them reaching into the realm of contemplation, easiest understood for us when watching the behaviour of other simians. You will perhaps notice that octopi are capable of some degree of problem solving, but as an octopus…

  • Social Animal is a Hybrid Animal

    Social Animal is a Hybrid Animal

    Everyone familiar with mitosis? Asexual reproduction? When a certain degree of differentiation has occurred, there is a sort of “pulling in” or gathering of all the information generated, and as this information is focused it is also distilled and used to spawn a copy of the original “mind” though not identical, just possessed of the…

  • Animal Stream of Consciousness

    Animal Stream of Consciousness

    Both streams of consciousness (top down and bottom up) are about equally perceptive. Again, the brain likes to conserve energy. This is also part of why the bottom up novelty reactive flow of consciousness is often so quiet, but sometimes something happens. A person has a near death experience, or has undergone a lot of…

  • Animal’s Motivation to Heal

    Animal’s Motivation to Heal

    Perhaps what motivates animals to heal? They have only a limited understanding of medicine, but animals do have a rudimentary understanding of medicine as well as tools. They have found that chimpanzees deliberately select certain plants when they are experiencing stomach upset or other distress, and different items at different times. If that’s not basic…