Personal Experience and Belief
We are overconfident of human independence. Even modern psychological research suggest that it’s a half truth at best. Then you could delve rationalistically into why that is and why we have what subconscious influences that we do. Does that invalidate spiritual experience and make the ancients foolish? Maybe they were more expedient and direct in some ways.…
Evolution of Indian Belief
I would like to start by first saying Semitic and Indian beliefs are actually closely connected. The Aryan mountain people had their own sort of diaspora and encountered other cultures, but they were not of one mind as a people. Those who migrated to Iran were more militant, while those who migrated to the Indus river valley were…
All About Belief
Most people keep frustration at a distance in their awareness. They just try to deny the feeling and function anyway. Anyone care to tell me how well this works? It builds. Yes, because the state is very real and sort of like fragmentation on a hard drive it can have a cumulative effect. Not well…
Gypsy Belief
Gypsy people do believe in possession, and they do believe that those possessed are under the influence of the Devil. But again, it’s not about evil. They do believe in werewolves and such, but it’s more just an accident than a moral failing. They believe werewolves are bad. They do believe in vampires, but vampires…
Surviving Belief
Let’s establish an understanding of what is superstition. What is superstition, friends? Superstitions can be folk beliefs, like throwing salt over your shoulder. Yes. Those are called superstition. A belief without a proven causative relationship? How would you prove a causative connection? That is the problem. Those who believe in the superstition would claim their…
Belief Is Will
Let’s take a superstition, omen reading. Even if there is nothing literally true about a perceived omen or synchronicity, the fact that you believe in them will make you pause for a moment and consider carefully your current situation and how it might be connected to other things in your world and life. Even if…
Meta-belief and Self-deception in Academics by Brian W.
Meta-beliefs are beliefs about the beliefs of others. We all engage in this sort of mind-reading as a means of social navigation in determining what might be the best way to address a group of colleagues, whether to even bother talking with someone about politics or religion, or whether to make small talk with a…
Belief in Society
What is civility? Dealing with people and situations in a respectful manner. The act of connection. I’ve been thinking that the ‘Occupy’ protests are really a debate on what it is to be civil. “In a civil society.” Civility is difficult to discuss. There is very little in the way of genuine example to consider.…
Delete Belief?
The world of the subjective hasn’t gone away. If empiricism was the genuine truth and full basis of knowledge, then why hasn’t the subjective gone by the wayside? There are those who try for that. What are they like? According to the behaviorists, your feelings and behavior are just mechanisms of your brain, and there…
Self-Belief Through Motivational Jewelry by David Weitzman
Fear is one of the basic instincts in humans and it often stops people from reaching their full potential. To lead a happy, successful and content life, one has to overcome all sorts of fears and realize one’s own inner strengths. Nothing can motivate and empower you like recognizing your true identity and discovering your…
Reflection of a Belief
I must open (as is often the case) with a question. What governs your behaviour? Emotion. Ideas of myself? If emotion, do we always act out on the immediate impulse? Not if we are mature. If elements of self image, do we never act out of character? We do. Often if under stress. If you…
Meaning in Belief
Another example then. Only the existence of human life is good. Can I draw any further inference from that? There can be no isolated human life. Isolated from other life forms besides human. So that belief would be meaningless, yes? So to go further… If life’s existence is good, and the forms in which life…
Belief Anchored in Experiences
I need to start believing I’m a playboy millionaire with fancy gadgets. You can’t just spontaneously believe whatever you might arbitrarily choose. Belief has to be anchored in experience. Otherwise, you are just making noise in your head. This is why positive thinking so commonly fails to work, and why books like The Secret are…
Self Directed Belief
So back to chaos magick… Instead of conforming to a traditional set of practices and symbols that are traditionally seen to have meaning, the practitioner of chaos magick experiments with symbols, both traditional ones and ones that their experience or imagination suggest might be especially meaningful. They might create a ritual dedicated to a pretend…
What is Belief?
It’s my experience that even away from organized religion, people still have very strong feelings about “belief.” I think I will start with what belief ultimately is. It’s a feeling of certainty and it does not require logical support. It does require experiential support and it is necessary to human function. It is a part…
Belief and Science
Does anyone have a strong belief that seems contradicted by life? Say, you believe in the law of attraction. Really invested in the idea of the law of attraction, but you perceive that it doesn’t seem to work? I’m not so sure that life contradicts what I believe, rather than most people’s perceptions – the ‘common’ view…
Belief, Reality and our Evolution
Magic or Shamanism is where we started. There were no worries about who was in charge as we didn’t have time. Our initial instincts were good, but then as we got organized and formed nations, the spirit had to have a boss and that served socially. It allowed for great strides in cooperation, but we…