Tag: earth

  • Hell on Earth

    Hell on Earth

    The spiritual insights of the Norse religion can be summarized as a collection of intuitive metaphors called “kennings”, and we still use the word. They governed community meetings, called “things.” This is how their communities were governed, and skalds kept the remembrance of the kennings as well as the decisions and events that occurred in…

  • Evolving Earth

    Evolving Earth

    Every place has a “spirit”, a perceivable essence be that chi or a genius loci.  Places themselves have seemed very alive throughout human history. In fact, the “gods” referred to in feng shui were originally perceived spirits native to a place. A tree, a large stone, etc., basically very similar to Shinto kami. The Earth…

  • Earth Energy

    Earth Energy

    Is anyone familiar with ley lines or dragon lines? It’s been observed that these earth energy paths tend to preserve human imprints. There are both more residual haunting, and even more intelligent haunting, observed in these regions. Now the Nazca planes, like the unexplained crop circles, are observed rune patterns which are the various abstract and…

  • We Walk This Earth

    We Walk This Earth

    We have a part of ourselves, let’s call it mind or spirit (whatever you like), but it doesn’t confine itself to the rules of biology. Is there any evidence nature has much in the way of rules there? The majority of plants are actually hermaphroditic though some are dual gender, and earth worms are hermaphrodites.…

  • Respect for Planet Earth by Alvina Lopez

    Respect for Planet Earth by Alvina Lopez

    We read about environmental issues nearly every day. We buy “eco-friendly” products from stores like Whole Foods or farmer’s markets. And we watch with fascination nature and wildlife adventure shows on television. We do all these things in an effort to be closer to nature, more in touch with the planet earth. But how much…

  • Fey Creatures Of Earth

    Fey Creatures Of Earth

    Dark Fey are of middle earth. Are they symbiotic with the underworld and celestial realms? They don’t go to the underworld or celestial realms. They are ageless, but they do die. Their passing is just not a function of time. They aren’t enemies of the celestial or underworld either, but they are creatures of the…

  • Gifts from the Earth Mother

    Gifts from the Earth Mother

    For those who may feel they have no connection with an animal guide, some clarity is in order. In the shamanic model of the world and reality, everything you have, every gift, talent, trait, was received by you as a gift from the earth mother herself. So if you are spry, you got that from…

  • Phagocyte Earth

    Phagocyte Earth

    Now for thin spots and inhuman dark artifacts, unnatural dark artifacts, at least from a particular point of view… There is not one earth present in this time space. There are many, and they don’t line up in a neat chain. They cluster like living cells. There is one such earth that is to our…

  • Intuit the Message of the Earth Mother

    Intuit the Message of the Earth Mother

    Just as nature was understood by the trees in the forest, language was understood by the characters in the words, and different combinations of characters, even if they didn’t actually make recognizable words, were still thought to have power, to make an impact. The creation of words and speech was seen as no different as…

  • Earth’s Neighbour

    Earth’s Neighbour

    The advancement agenda’s by-product has been the strange epidemics in non-standard consciousness. Autism perhaps being the most visible. The regressionists are embracing the “survival” of the fittest concept and setting up stress on “alpha” intellects, thus increasingly making things like heart disease the world’s number one killer now. Those who survive will be more “integrated”…

  • Medicine for the Earth

    Medicine for the Earth

    Polarity. All relationship patterns are seen as a series of trigrams, and these trigrams are present on a feng shui compass; yin, yang, and transitive. Every material thing is seen as containing three elements in this regard. Three different states or phases. Boy, girl and trans? Yes, ultimately. They have even found evidence of a…

  • Tribal Understanding: Listening to the Earth

    Tribal Understanding: Listening to the Earth

    Example, a big element of tribal understanding (though one of those vaguely mystical things orthodox scientists are so keen to dismiss) is the idea of listening to the earth in whatever form they symbolize it. They have been slowly accepting that animals can and do sense the earth electromagnetic field, birds and fish mostly, but…

  • Earth Time Space

    Earth Time Space

    Lateral distribution, the integrity of our planet and space time, is not self supporting. Our earth is sustained by horizontal echoes, resonate dimensional strings that line up well with our own earth but still display sensitivity to influences we are not in direct contact with ourselves. Long story short, earth wasn’t the only planet possible…