Focus Determines Reality
Focus determines your reality. Your reality is more than what you see with your eyes. Can you recall a time when you really only had one thing on your mind? When you’re doing a task that you’re really absorbed in? Have you ever been in that state where you desired companionship and didn’t perceive yourself to…
Focus Anger
When you understand anger you begin to discover you don’t really have to control it. It arises like it does from the concept of control. You channel it. You own your anger by putting an end to objectifying your anger that is either making it a dirty object to bury in your mind, or projecting…
Change Focus
How do you change the focus of the mind? Well, it is pretty simple. The mind is habitual, but it has limits. There are ideas that really confuse people about the mind, and you can’t change your mind by force of will. It doesn’t really matter if you are determined, if anything being determined keeps…
Focus on Internal Now
The internal now is different from the external now. We do experience the internal now from time to time. As children we either lived in it, or could have. For the child there is an “I”, but I can be anything. They at first play with I until they are made to hurt regarding I.…
Single Minded Focus
Thoughts on what obsession is? OCD Single minded focus? Good, and yes these play into the topic of obsession. Single minded focus. It is a fascinating concept. In fact, the organs that play a part in the processing we call “mind” are plural, so single minded focus says it all. Obsession is like saying since…
Reality Is Focus
Your center is a place. Center is a noun. Focus is an action, or body of actions, and well… Your focus literally is your reality. Everything that has your attention is part of your focus, and you have a focus whether you have knowingly chosen it or not. You cannot avoid having a focus, because…
Focus Challenge
I will describe how my life gets, because I am focus challenged. I wake in the morning and whatever I was dreaming is still quite active in what they call my “working memory.” The mood or imagery or conversation is in my head and won’t leave despite my maybe needing it to. I walk out…
Rational Focus
Rationalism. “Be rational.” Don’t allow things to have more than minimal meaning. That is the essence of rationalism. You have to be sparse with meaning. This is why an artist is supposedly irrational. They can see a lot of meaning in an apple, say, and most other people just sort of dismiss that with an…
Renewed Focus
Focus is seen as very important. People will do a lot to gain and keep focus and at the same time also undermine focus. Seems like a very in and out thing, does it not? Is it that focus is innately unstable, or is it our focusing behaviour that does this to us? Our tolerance…
Choice Of Focus
I will make a challenging statement, and my intention is not to offend. You don’t see what is there, no one does. Whenever you see anything, you see only the part of you that is there. The quality of your attention or judgement. Inside is a reflection of the outside? Yes, exactly. I think that’s…
Focus Now
How do we manifest the thing we want? What you have to do is focus now. The events, that come about that we call “manifestation”, are not the event that is manifestation. They are an echo, a side effect. The echo never happens if you are too busy brooding on what “is supposed to be”…
On Defining, Choosing, and Retaining a Life Focus by Maria Rainier
What would life be without focus? Having a focus enables us to create meaning in our lives, construct success based on achievement of goals, engage in deep personal development, and encourage others by saturating our lives in deliberate thinking and action. The word “focus” means a lot of things to many different people, but in…
Denial as Selective Focus
Let’s explore that concept of denial as selective focus. If we see selection as denial, it leads to the notion of their being a single outcome does it not? That we can rule out outcomes by rejection of elements of our experience. Anyone ever succeed at that? I think persistence can be fruitful. Does denial aid…
Focus of our Attention
What can we focus our attention on? We don’t actually ever focus it on objects, it’s too abstract. The brain always processes any sensory data well before we are even aware of the object. It is how it is supposed to function. Matter isn’t a valid choice for awareness focus. So seems we are in a…