Tag: right

  • God Is Right Here

    God Is Right Here

    To thine own self be true is not advice to be a libertine. There is only one Tao, but the tao is infinite in its manifestations. Am I religious? I don’t look for God. God is right here. I am knowingly religious in that I do use techniques to explore myself and my relationship to…

  • Right to Die

    Right to Die

    People seem to think a lot is a ‘God given right’, and of the craziest things instead of being privileges. It is our God given right to die, want to? In the state I lived in, it’s even legal with the proper paperwork. The death with dignity act. We don’t have a lot of takers.…

  • See What Is Right

    See What Is Right

    Identifying something as wrong… Has that ever done anything useful for you, friends? Served a constructive purpose? Is that like me saying I wish I had done this or that? Yes. Does that make you function better? Einstein had an insight that applies to this, and it has been said in many ways by many…

  • Right Time And Place

    Right Time And Place

    To bring numerology to the personal level, the networking side of it… It may seem like your input to the great math problem doesn’t matter. This would be a mistaken notion. It matters very much, because your literal reality is part of the math that’s being done. You are the value that the universe is…

  • Right Insight

    Right Insight

    As you incarnated, you took on the weight not only of your personal decision, but the weight of every spirit that ever made the same decision. A sort of shared karma. This is perhaps the origin of the concept of original sin. So as the Kabbalist seeks to ascend the sephiric states, they have to…

  • Right Place, Right Time

    Right Place, Right Time

    We are talking about Ganesha today, as well as some other things. Male or female Ganesha? Well, Hindu devas tend to be sort of fractal, so in a sense both but most typically seen as male. The name stems from the native language that doesn’t much follow English language forms. In fact, it’s actually a…

  • Left and Right of Us

    Left and Right of Us

    Shall I explore what’s to the right of us, or the left? Left. This is like choose-your-own-adventure. To the left we have life according to you. We have the epic story of a person who has tried many things to find happiness, to find meaning. Has engaged in every manner of treasure seeking, and has…

  • Never Wrong, Never Right

    Never Wrong, Never Right

    You are never wrong. No one is ever wrong. What do you think of this? I can buy that. I know some people who believe that. I think I am never wrong but everyone else is. The process for assessing rightness or wrongness of a point of view is non existent. The disciplines of philosophy…

  • Right Brain Priority

    Right Brain Priority

    So how do we reconcile our conscious mind and this insane god with that little spark of truth in us? Metanoia is a process. The true mind is a hologram having two seeming different vectors. Two beams of light that merge to reveal the genuine image. We do not normally let them interact let alone…