Tag: through

  • Raising Frequency through Meditation by Melissa Alvarez

    Raising Frequency through Meditation by Melissa Alvarez

    When you’re doing energy work, meditation is a wonderful method to help you gain insight into your own spirituality and to raise your frequency. The word meditation may bring to mind a person with eyes closed, sitting in a cross-legged position, the back straight, hands resting on the knees and palms turned upward with the…

  • Through the Veil

    Through the Veil

    Have you all heard of the veil? Everyone has many selves, because there are many veils. In the cabalistic system, there are ten. Can you see yourself in a mirror if you are standing far away from it? Farther away then that, you could not, but we are never very far from the veil so…

  • Major Arcana: The Way Through

    Major Arcana: The Way Through

    Want to see the way through? The events shown in the major arcana happen all the time, repeat all throughout history, but they are not personal. They are transcendent. The chariot. Consider this card. What are your impressions? Royalty. Taking care. Being watchful and ready. Sovereignty. Being captain of your own ship. The chariot looks…

  • Threat Through a Filter

    Threat Through a Filter

    Our understanding of events as they happen, and thus by natural extension our understanding of our life experiences, is subject to a form of distortion. Do we change our perceptions? We change the object of our perception, even the pattern of our perception, but not the process itself. That remains consistent which means we project…

  • Control Through Fear

    Control Through Fear

    I ponder Behaviour- ist Psychology and B.F. Skinner. And yes, even right now a form of behaviourism is being advocated as the primary way to treat autism in young children. Using “aversives” as well as other behaviour we would see as grossly coercive if it were used on us. Aversives = physical and emotional punishment,…

  • Jumping Through the Hoops

    Jumping Through the Hoops

    My way of dealing with difficult people? If I actually want to exercise power? When I choose to exercise power with a difficult person, I find that part of myself that resonates with their state. It’s usually bitterness and contempt. They only use the weakest spark of aggression, but I let my bitterness surface, my…

  • Self-Belief Through Motivational Jewelry by David Weitzman

    Self-Belief Through Motivational Jewelry by David Weitzman

    Fear is one of the basic instincts in humans and it often stops people from reaching their full potential. To lead a happy, successful and content life, one has to overcome all sorts of fears and realize one’s own inner strengths. Nothing can motivate and empower you like recognizing your true identity and discovering your…

  • Dreaming Through Us

    Dreaming Through Us

    Now let’s look at sexual attraction. If it’s just lust, what makes us stay? To nurture the possible off-spring? If it’s just biology, what makes us not only want to rear our young but live around other people while they care for theirs as well? How do we behave when we fall in love with…

  • Path of Isis Through Kitchen Repair

    Path of Isis Through Kitchen Repair

    Perhaps a practical example before we wrap up? Not from myself, those tend not to go well or be very useful. Any takers? A problem solving example? Like changing a garbage disposal that was too heavy to lift? Ok. First, let’s find your “god”, your core idea. This is nothing you ever see directly. It…

  • Pushing Through

    Pushing Through

    Shall we go into happiness as it relates to fear, or insanity as it relates to fear first? I vote insanity. End on a high note! Good advice. Insanity it is. As I said, you are your fear. The thing you fear most is yourself. Your brain is constantly on guard against anything being wrong…

  • Through the Blue

    Through the Blue

    Is there any force more powerful than sleep? Science says we even need it to learn, consolidate memories, even process reality as a general experience, sort our very senses. The world only makes sense to you because you sleep, almost like the planet has some default mode of being. You mean we process in our…

  • Sith Code: Through Victory

    Sith Code: Through Victory

    The next Sith statement is … Through victory, my chains are broken. How much of a sense of agency do you have in your life? Do you really feel responsible or in charge of what goes on? Does it feel like the world itself is using you? I sometimes have to get angry to get…

  • Activity Occurs Through You

    Activity Occurs Through You

    So any questions or comments about today’s topic of Meditation? Did I cover it adequately? Yes, very much. I liked the part about making your brain like a target and being aware of it without looking directly at it, and that’s meditation. You aren’t your brain or any other single part of your body. And…