The emphasis on causality focuses us away from ego and to our relationships. Indeed, and in fact, new research suggests that our very own minds are structured in such a way that they are by definition responsive to changes in our relationships. They are calling this insight neuro-sociology. We are hard wired to be social creatures and to see everything in the world through a social filter. Which means we see it through a causal filter, or we see the world as made up of agency and agents, of causes and objects.
Socially awkward people may have less of this wiring? Socially awkward people are no less wired to respond in this way, but for one reason or another they have a rigidity of response.
Less practiced? Potentially too well practiced. Often times the socially awkward person is carrying about a set of anxieties that lock them into a compulsive defence mechanism. Defence mechanisms are inherently delusional and the root of perhaps all other delusion. This is likely why people have difficulty anticipating future events.
Anticipating = anxiety for some. Well, what we teach anticipation is to people. Actual functional anticipation is a combination of self awareness and empathic flexibility. I don’t mean empathy in the commonly held sense. We have a root level function in our brains that translates all sensation automatically into what they call an intentional stance.
I think I must have dysfunctional anticipation. Most people would. There are very few models of anything else.
All current research has revealed one thing, we cannot comprehend anything in a purely factual, data based format. If it’s not couched in the personal form, we will neither fully understand it or remember it very well.
That is why giving a personal synopsis of anything helps us remember? Yes.
Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.
Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive
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